The Megas - History Repeating: Red - 03 GeminEye

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That ending gives such a vivid image in my head, I wish I had the talent to make a little animation for it. I can picture the shot of the suspicious Gemini slowly picking up a gun to take out the other, but just as he does, the click is heard, the camera pans and you see the other right behind him with his own gun. There's a cut to black, a gunshot, and we cut back to one single Geminiman laying dead on the ground with a gun still smoking next to his body.

I ALSO really like the implied scene after that admittedly cool finale finishes up...
Where Megaman enters the boss room and there's just a dead Geminiman and he just sort of awkwardly leaves.


So are the lyrics implying that Gemini's own double led him into the boss-room and trapped them there, because he wouldn't have willingly fought Megaman otherwise?
And from the sounds of it, Gemini killed GeminEYE before megaman even got there.


Listening to this back to back with The Hounds from The Protomen made me realize just how similar in style both songs are. I love the jazzy feel of both songs, they actually segue into each other pretty well because of this.


here are the lyrics because i saw someone asking for them:

Stars are out tonight
They're shining bright
Our sign is up in the sky
The stars don't lie
Think I need
A private eye

Someone wants me dead
That's what you said
So I called on you
What can I do
Learn his name
Pick apart the clues

I don't want to die
It's not your time
Ignore the zodiac
I'll watch your back
You'll make up
For what I lack

My private eye
We're never going to make it
Look to the sky
Someone is out to get me
The Gemini
I've had all I can take

I think it's time
I go my separate ways

When I close my eyes
It's time to hide
I'm stepping back
Then I attack
You speak for me
Everything goes black

How could I be so blind
Falling behind
We're alike in mind
Two of a kind
But it's getting lost
With the more you find

I forget my name
It's all the same
So I'm taking yours
Of course of course
We're trapped in here
Someone locked the door

My private eye
We're never going to make it
Look to the sky
Someone is out to get me
The Gemini
I've had all I can take
I think it's time
I go my separate ways

The clues had lead us to a dead end
How dead we would soon see
There was a sound
As the door locked behind us
We were trapped
And the Gemineye
Was anything but surprised
The night was seeming to stretch on forever
And for us it would
This was the end
And now the gloves were off
The truth was out
The hired gun was on his way
And we were both
As good as dead
But I looked to the stars
And I swore
If we were both taking the big sleep

I'd take the rat out myself

My private eye
We're never going to make it
Look to the sky
Someone is out to get me
The Gemini
I've had all I can take
I think it's time
I go my separate ways

I think we'll never
Leave this deadly place
I know we'll never
See the light of day


I can't help but feel sorry for poor Gemini, but alas, the Hired Gun is implacable


Ohhhh snap, there's Geminoir! I'll never get over this song.


Does anyone else think that the stanza's start with "Gemini" because it's the two Gemini's addressing each other?


Me and a friend plan to make a dance-Skit with this lol! Its gonna be Mirror movement focused lol


I must show this to my dance teacher. It's wonderful for practicing jazz dance moves to.


This one's so cool! The one aspect that would make it better for me would be keeping the same style of music throughout, but using something different for the 'chorus' this way does have it's purposes.


Stars are out tonight
They’re shining bright
Our sign is up in the sky
The stars don’t lie
Think I need
A private eye

Someone wants me dead
That’s what you said
So I called on you
What can I do
Learn his name
Pick apart the clues

I don’t want to die
It’s not your time
Ignore the zodiac
I’ll watch your back
You’ll make up
For what I lack

My private eye
We’re never going to make it
Look to the sky
Someone is out to get me
The Gemini
I’ve had all I can take
I think it’s time
I go my separate ways

When I close my eyes
It’s time to hide
I’m stepping back
Then I attack
You speak for me
Everything goes black

How could I be so blind
Falling behind
We’re alike in mind
Two of a kind
But it’s getting lost
With the more you find

I forget my name
It’s all the same
So I’m taking yours
Of course, of course
We’re trapped in here
Someone locked the door

My private eye
We’re never going to make it
Look to the sky
Someone is out to get me
The Gemini
I’ve had all I can take
I think it’s time
I go my separate ways

The clues had lead us to a dead end
How dead we would soon see
There was a sound
As the door locked behind us
We were trapped
And the Gemineye
Was anything but surprised
The night was seeming to stretch on forever
And for us it would
This was the end
And now the gloves were off
The truth was out
The hired gun was on his way
And we were both
As good as dead
But I looked to the stars
And I swore
If we were both taking the big sleep
I’d take the rat out myself

My private eye
We’re never going to make it
Look to the sky
Someone is out to get me
The Gemini
I’ve had all I can take
I think it’s time
I go my separate ways

I think we’ll never
Leave this deadly place
I know we’ll never
See the light of day


Found this amazing song on a B-52’s mix of all things! This is AMAZING!!


Now let's count up your sins, Mega Man!


I remember when my stepfather played this it was great band still listen today


The theme of one of my favorite robot masters has never sounded better!!


I come back and listen to this song after playing The Great Ace Attorney 2, and a certain part of that game really causes this song to strike a cord. If you know, you know...


"And the Geminieye,
Was anything but surprised"

"If we're both taking the big sleep
I'll take the rat out myself!"

Has anyone ever pointed out, that the first line might've lead to the second one? As in, Gemini is observing Gemineye and finding odd how "he doesn't seem surprised by any of this".


I get a kinda “Noir detective” feeling from this



Stars are out tonight
(They're shining bright)
Our sign is up in the sky
(Stars don't lie)
I think I need a private eye
Someone wants me dead
(That's what you said)
So I called on you
(What can I do?)
Learn his name, pick apart the clues
I don't want to die
(It's not your time)
Ignore the zodiac
(I'll watch your back)
You'll make up for what I lack
My private eye
(We're never going to make it)
Look to the sky
(Someone is out to get me)
The Gemineye
(I've had all I can take, I think)
It's time
I go my separate ways
When I close my eyes
(It's time to hide)
I'm stepping back
(Then I attack)
You speak for me, everything goes black
How could I be so blind?
(Falling behind)
You see, we're alike in mind
(Two of a kind)
But it's getting lost with the more you find
I forget my name
(It's all the same)
So I'm taking yours
(Of course, of course)
We're trapped in here, someone locked the door
My private eye
(We're never going to make it)
Look to the sky
(Someone is out to get me)
The Gemineye
(I've had all I can take, I think)
It's time
I go my separate ways
The clues had lead us to a dead end
How dead, we would soon see
There was a sound as the door locked behind us
We were trapped
And the Gemineye
Was anything but surprised
The night was seeming to stretch on forever, and for us it would
This was the end
And now the gloves were off
The truth was out
The hired gun was on his way
And we were both as good as dead
But I looked to the stars
And I swore
If we were both taking the big sleep
I'd take the rat out myself
My private eye
(We're never going to make it)
Look to the sky
(Someone is out to get me)
The Gemineye
(I've had all I can take, I think)
It's time
I go my separate ways
I think we'll never
Leave this deadly place
I know we'll never
See the light of day


Is it weird that knowing full well which bot this track is about I still heard elements of Mega and Proto?
