How To ORGANIZE Piano Practice (Most Effective Structure)

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What is the most effective way to organize piano practice every day of the week? In this video I give you the best plan to structure and organize your daily piano practice. If you've ever wondered: what is the best way to practice piano everyday? How long should I practice piano everyday? How do I ORGANIZE and SCHEDULE my piano practice?!

0:00 Intro
0:52 Context
4:26 Goal Setting
7:48 Organization
11:18 Scheduling




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Thank you so much for this video! No one teaches us how to study, and from the beginning, we think that it's all about repeating and repeating until you memorize whatever you're studying. It's essential to organize practices and set goals. Thanks again


thank ya so much, I NEED organization, my mind be everywhere


Best video for this moment in my music life. Thank you a lot


You raised 2 interesting points: coming from a traditional family there would never be a contest between me & my older brother being older and therefore assumed to be wiser. When it comes to family inheritances, the eldest usually get more by default. The second point about planning took me many years to understand. Coming from a non-musical family, nobody around can play an instrument (piano, violin, guitar, etc.) to a high level so there were no role models to follow. Naturally mom & dad had no expectation anybody in the family would be able to play to a high level. Some relatives quit music lessons after 2 years and everybody assumed they don't have musical talent. They'd focus on learning other things instead.
A few decades later I picked up piano playing for stress relief. At the time nobody in the family except 1 who is still playing to some extent. The rest took lessons but stopped playing ages ago. I started learning on my own before getting a teacher. In the beginning I had doubts about my assumed lack of musical talents & abilities but soon realized that planning is the key to progress. Many of us would never become a professional performer but on the other hand we can go a lot further when we plan ahead...


Very useful stuff and... You look like ONE PUNCH MAN


u need to increase sound level a lot, use compression and make it loudest for YT standards


What i find problematic with setting goals is that when it comes to most things, it's relative. Say my goal is to play Mozart's sonate for two pianos. A goal like i want to be able to play it from memory is quite clear, but what about playing it without mistakes. But what's a mistake? Even if i hit all the keys at the right time, i may feel a passage was a bit stiff or my fingers felt slightly out of control here and there or it wasn't inspired and so on. And if you grow musically you may realize you weren't really able to play it before. I know i overcomplicate it but it does really bother me with setting goals when it comes to pieces. It does work for me for technical assignments and really short piece.


7 Minutes in and you're still talking about cheeseburgers and salads.


@Warren Lee
My piano teacher doesn't believe in practicing scales. So, in 17 years of piano studies, I have never practiced scales, ever. He says if you play enough repertoire by the masters, you get your scale practice playing those. But I feel my technique could use a lot of improvement. What do you think?


which opuses do you recommend to build technique at an intermidiate stage?


How do YOU organize your piano practice?


What do you mean exactly by technique ? Isn’t technique included in the repertoire ? So how do I practice 80% technique ?


I liked this but all the explanation stories was way too much! I struggled to remain...


Okay, what I don't understand: if you need to tell teenage students how to structure their practice, why don't you start building that with younger students?
In my music lessons (recorder and half a year of organ in my childhood, violin and half a year of clarinet and flute) this NEVER came up! 10 years of violin lessons and the teacher NEVER told me how to practice or asked me how I practiced! I stumbled upon a helpful book after some years, but before that, it never even occurred to me to think about how to practice because I assumed practice meant repetition until it magically became right. I had music in school only until grade 6 and also there, it was never discussed how to practice even though one teacher asked all of us who could play an instrument to play something for some minutes once. But not even then did he discuss beforehand how we were supposed to pick our pieces and prepare so everybody did that at home in the way their believed it to be right.


U lost me with your boring intro... Please don't waste time at the beginning part of a instructional video...


I agree with spending more time on technique: unfortionately teachers are not going to want here that all day from students.

No, its not fun, but it is essential!!


You took long 😰 time to get to the point. …
