ACORN: What Makes Good Solar in Vermont?

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Vermont has a target of 90% renewable generation by 2050, and the path to get there is largely paved with solar panels. Recently, however, some communities have expressed concern about how and where solar projects are being built across the state. From a lack of consensus on the definitions of "community solar" and renewable energy credits (RECs) to siting controversies surrounding many projects, to the recent Public Service Board decision to deny a large solar proposal in Bennington, Vermonters are questioning the solar development process.
Join us for a conversation to explore these issues, discuss what makes an acceptable solar project, and how we can make progress towards our 90% target.
Our expert panelists include Gabrielle Stebbins, former Executive Director, Renewable Energy Vermont; Kevin Jones, Professor, Vermont Law School; Dorothy Schnure, Green Mountain Power; and Ben Marks, Regulatory Attorney and Acorn Energy Co-op Board Director. Legislators have also been invited to join us.
Recorded 3/16/16.
Join us for a conversation to explore these issues, discuss what makes an acceptable solar project, and how we can make progress towards our 90% target.
Our expert panelists include Gabrielle Stebbins, former Executive Director, Renewable Energy Vermont; Kevin Jones, Professor, Vermont Law School; Dorothy Schnure, Green Mountain Power; and Ben Marks, Regulatory Attorney and Acorn Energy Co-op Board Director. Legislators have also been invited to join us.
Recorded 3/16/16.