New Hope for Brain Health - The Enhance Protocol from A Mind For All Seasons

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New Hope for Brain Health The Enhance Protocol

BOISE, ID 83714
(208) 378-2860

The Enhance Protocol - New Hope for Brain Health
In 1906, a German physician named Alois Alzheimer performed an autopsy and discovered tangles and plaques in the brain of one of his patients, a 55-year-old woman named Auguste Deter, who had died after several years of aggressive and progressive cognitive decline. The disease now named for Dr. Alzheimer has become the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia and cases Alzheimer’s disease are projected to nearly triple by 2050. Clearly, Alzheimer’s disease is a public health crisis and much needs to be done to save the brains of people all over the world from this terrible disease.

Unfortunately, efforts to develop medication to effectively cure or treat Alzheimer’s have failed. Over 400 drug trials have produced a handful of medications, none of which makes a major change in the trajectory of the disease for the majority who take them, and the side effects of the medications make them difficult for some people to tolerate. At A Mind For All Seasons, we believe efforts to produce a medication have largely failed because they are based on two fundamentally flawed assumptions: 1. With enough funding, time and research, a drug will be found that cures Alzheimer’s. 2. Amyloid beta protein is both the cause and the symptom of Alzheimer’s.

A different approach is to ask why...
Located in Boise Idaho, A Mind For All Seasons® is proud to introduce The Enhance Protocol®.

The Enhance Protocol is for every person of any age!
Are you ready to optimize your brain health? We make it as easy as 1-2-3 to work with us...

The Enhance Protocol is for every person of any age
Are you ready to optimize your brain health? We make it easy to work with us...

Our Therapy Studio amplifies the results of our other interventions with equipment that boosts blood flow & oxygenation, cellular repair, energy production, brain wave patterns and the body’s ability to detoxify itself.
A Mind For All Seasons (Therapy Studio)
7655 West Riverside Dr
Boise, ID 83714
(208) 378-2860

​Eric and Randy are dynamic, nationally recognized speakers who regularly present keynotes, workshops, coaching, and other training to associations, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home care agencies and assisted living and memory care providers.

Will you have A Mind For All Seasons of your life?


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