Growing Older, Grey Hair, Wrinkles, Menopause ~ Embracing the Wisdom of Ageing

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Accepting that we are all getting older and all that goes with it can be a scary process. We get old, our hair turns grey, wrinkles appear, menopause happens and for me the best parts are still to come! In this video, I talk about growing older, my grey hair, menopause how I am embracing it all. There is a true wisdom in life over 50 that comes, bringing a welcome self-acceptance and a becoming of who we truly are! Thanks for keeping me company dear souls on this magical journey. Xxxs Wendy. (p.s There is also a moving house update too!)

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#wrinkles #greyhair #menopause
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The most interesting part of letting my hair go naturally silvery gray...other people's reactions. I'm astonished of how many people feel the need to tell me that my hair is turning and suggest a "perfect" color for me... 🙄😒. What is with that? I love my hair, and wrinkles I'm getting. I'm good in my own skin!


Oh, the freedom to finally get rid of those pesky monthly’s. I’m now 80. I went through my menopause years ago. Ladies, you will be so happy when it’s all over. It’s well worth all the stress of menopause (the hot flashes, forgetfulness, and mood changes) to enjoy stressless years ahead. Blessings to all of you. ❤


Hi Wendy! I’m a breast cancer survivor who went into menopause due to treatment at 49. I’m 68 now and I can tell you my energy level started to return after maybe 5 years, and it keeps getting better! I’m grateful every day to be in good health and enjoying life!


I’m 75. Menopause was the best thing that ever happened to me.


As an older person (77) my advice would be to ask your parents and other older family members about their lives. They are the keepers of your family's stories and once they are gone the stories fade into the past. I often of things I wished I had asked my mother. My great-great-grandmother was a Native American but I don't know anything about her, not even her tribe. We often take others for granted when we are young.


Hello Wendy, I am a breast cancer survivor, I was diagnosed at 45, and the chemotherapy sent me straight into a drug induced menopause. The hot flash’s or flush’s I I called them were horrendous, and lasted quite some years, as I had 6 years of treatment. It brought up great sadness and emotions as I couldn’t have children, although we did adopt 3 children, even so the menopause brought back the pain of all those years trying. I do think that so many didn’t make it, including my Mum and Dad who both died way too early from having cancer. So I know I am so lucky to still be here 19 years later, with my grey hair, a big enormous arm, due to lymphedema, a result from the cancer treatments, but I have a deep appreciation for my life, for nature and my creativity. I am now facing getting older and each day is so precious, I love it! ❤


I’m looking at everyone’s comments and I’m overwhelmed with joy, joy, joy. Women talking, sharing their stories, and just being genuine with each other. Gives me all the feels. I love being female, with all the hills and valleys, and Wendy, thank you for providing a safe space to share. I’m 53 and am in menopause. I find it fascinating that considering women spent a good 3rd of our life (if we are fortunate) in menopause/post menopause it’s so hush hush, so rarely talked about. I’m so pleased Wendy opened this convo.


I noticed that I have followed quite a few women in their late 40s to late 60s on YT. I think I am becoming less scared of aging - though it is still there to some extent - but following women around my age who are doing creative, life-affirming things makes me realize that I continue to have lots to look forward to. I let my hair go gray when I was 46 going on 47 because I had moved into an apartment that was a bit out of my range for a new job. I had to ask for help, and it seemed wrong to ask for help to pay for my hair treatments - and it was becoming obvious that I would need to go every 3-4 weeks to keep up the charade. Of course, I do miss my brunette hair in lots of ways but not that much when I really think about it. I so appreciate you sharing your journey and normalizing talking about aging with its ups and downs. I turned 50 in January 2020 - so I knew something big was happening because I was watching global news - but it wasn't in Ohio (that we knew of). Anyway - something about turning 50 changed me. I no longer had patience for unkind "friends" or shallow relationships. I no longer had time to chase people who didn't make me a priority, and I let go of toxic friends. I have fewer folks to hang out with, but everyday I realize that I enjoy my own company, and I have been quite busy supporting my daughter as she steps into adulthood.


Someone once said “today is the youngest you’ll be for the rest of your life” that really made me think. However old you may feel, you’ll be older tomorrow, so make the most of today.


The best part of post menopausal is not having to wear menstruation pads but now I
approaching my nineties I'm back to wearing sensitive bladder pads. Love to all xxx


I have no one else to talk to, apart from Madge, my rescue greyhound, but she sleeps for most of the day, so I talk out loud to myself all the time! I have had hot flushes for the past 16 years! I have never taken anything for the menopause. The nurse seems to think that I am still going through the menopause, at almost 67 years young in November?! My hair went white some time ago now, and I have not had my hair coloured for about 17 years - I just let it go grey, and then it went white very quickly, which I was pleased about, as I just leave it alone. That drawing you did of the beautiful girl's head and hair, is soooo beautiful. I love the fact that you love glittery lights, and that you put your Christmas tree up once at the Equinox! It is so lovely to have happy things around us, and Christmas decs and twinkly lights do that for me too, even though I am alone with my dog for Christmas. I put my decs up earlier every year, and maybe I shall follow your lead, lovely Wendy, and put my Christmas tree in my sitting room in November (my Birthday month) and decorate it, to cheer me up! I keep a journal every day, and write it up when I go to bed at night. I really find that it helps me, and is like having someone to talk to about my day. I only go out to walk Madge, and to take the rubbish out, due to my severe anxiety, but I am trying hard to walk a little further towards the village every day (which is only a mile away, but I have not made it there yet) but I get this feeling that I have to turn around, and get back home to my safe place. I take Madge out about 4/5 times for walks though during the day, as I have no garden here, only a little front area, where we can sit out in the sun/shade if we want to, and I have put lots of plants in pots in it, and a few trees. So I make my home my sanctuary, and always say hallow house, when I get back through my front door, and tell the house how much I love it! xxx


I call the 3 stages of my life the bud, the flower and the elderflower. Loving being an elderflower! No periods and past the hot flushes. I’m wiser and more confident. The best is yet to come!


Hi Wendy, I'm 34 and I guess it's all ahead of me. I don't have a family and due to childhood trauma have decided not to have children. The thoughts of growing old do scare me, it's great to see women like yourself enjoying life and aging naturally, thank you for sharing with us ❤️


I’m from the U.S. My hair is white ( so says my precious granddaughters) and past my shoulders. I am delighted to say I have compliments about my hair now. It takes courage to go against what society dictates women should do. Especially the beauty industry. Hair color generates billions.


I have been on an amazing art journey and it has been truly a blessing to me. I just turned 81. Turing 80 I thought would be the pentacle of life. I am so excited now watching the next generation of my grandkids as the experiece the joys of life. 81 is just a number. Focus on the end of tunnel. Your fairies are so amazing. I have identified with thei emotional expressions. You have a very unique talent.


Hi Wendy, part of my depression and low energy was due to low thyroid hormone levels and low vitamin d. Anyone with low energy, please have these levels tested. Congratulations on your new home!


I turned 40 a few days ago and it was so hard for me. I was dreading it for months prior. I felt like it was an execution date approaching. It helped my spirit to hear you say you had a hard time with it as well.

My plan was to get in my van and drive out west (America) and camp until my birthday past and then come back home after it was over. But my lovely husband insisted he had a plan for us and he ended up making it my most favorite birthday. He rented a nice hotel and bought a couples painting kit online for us to paint together. (My husband does not have an artistic bone in his body and it looked more like he was scrubbing a dish than painting, but that made me love the thoughtful gesture so much more) No matter what difficulty we face it’s the one ones who love us and walk beside us through the tunnel that make life grand.


65, and filled with positive energy. Went the "homeopathic" path way, so no synthetic hormones.. Post menopause @45. Went completely white @57. Keep physically and spiritually fit... Doing anything creative is the key. Thank you for your awesome work... Have a great week. 😇🥰


Congratulations on your new in-between home.
I agree with everything you said. I will be turning 60 during first of year. Im greatful for another year. I am post menopause and have never taken hormone replacements etc. Just growing older greatfully. I pay more attention to nutrition these days but I don't fret on it. I don't wear make up I dress as I please and I'm not bothered by what people think. I accept that somedays I have more energy and some days none. Im ok with all of growing older and it feels like I'm really living for me the first time in my life. Im happy even with the aches and pains and a few health issues Im alive and Im greatful. I spend most days in my little artroom with my furbabies, dinner with my hubby and sleep with the moon and rise with the day light and greatful for a little bit cooler days. I don't stress about what life throws at us and accept it for what happens happens. I washed my hands of politics for good and leaving it up to the younger generation. Im tired, I just want to paint and thats what I do. I really enjoy your insightful videos. Its nice to see you at your art table again. Best wishes on a smooth move. Hire people because you can only do what you can do. Moving is a stressful job but an exciting one and the finally settling in part is a great reward. Much love.


Dear Wendy:
Watching your videos is my favorite time of the week.
I feel so comfy and happy... Like meeting a lifetime friend🤍🤍
You have a beautiful soul, so rare in this messy world!!
Keep spreading your magic and happiness, beautiful fairy
Tons of love 🤍💋
