back to school /Supplies Shopping + Haul GIVEAWAY 📚

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back to school /Supplies Shopping + Haul GIVEAWAY 📚

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The K Family

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Рекомендации по теме

Hi keilly i can't wait for more videos of this in keilly and kendry


I am so proud of you Keilly. Congratulations on finishing high school early. I have watched you grow up on YouTube. Love you girl 💕💕


Hey keilly! I hope you’re having an amazing day. I’m going into junior year are there any tips to give me. I would really love this backpack because my parents have recently struggling with providing for me and my siblings. Especially since there are 5 of us. My dad has also recently lost his job so it’s been especially tough. I would really appreciate it thank you❤


You are so pretty Keilly I love your videos and love how you have been glowing recently


Wow, I love everything you got! Everything is so cute. I really like the purple binder and yes, I agree. I also like using the five star book as well! You should’ve added a pack of white print paper as well as a pack of regular line paper And yes, I do have to agree. I actually enjoy school shopping myself more than actually using everything I would get for school. It’s always fun to go back to school supply shopping and then once you know, it’s school time like it. it’s not fun.


Hi Keilly and I love your videos and I love you guys ❤


I would like to win this giveaway because I find everything you picked out to be super helpful for my school year, going into my senior year! It was a very fun video to watch and i would be immensely grateful for it ❤


I have been here sinse like it feels like forever! My family is going thru a really rough time rn. Were struggling to stay ahead with money and stuff. I am homeschooled and going into 11th and I wouldn't absolutely love this. Me my my brother and my two sisters would be able to divide it. ❤❤❤❤❤ We love you The only bad thing is that I dont have socials and im not allowed socials. But I think whoever wins this will be filled with Love.! Me and my brother will be in 11th one of my sisters in 8th and another in 3rd.❤❤❤❤


Congratulations on graduating I have loved your channel and your energy I am going into my senior year and the reason why I say I need it because I love the theme and I never had a opportunity to go BTS shopping before and experience it would be an amazing experience to get school supplies u pick out and some of the stuff can be given to siblings if I don't win I'm super grateful because everyone goes through different things in life and I believe whoever wins deserve it for watching u and supporting u❤


Back to school is expensive! School supplies are one of the most expensive parts of going back.


I would love have the backpack because of the help I need to able to afford it I’m from Venezuela and just came to us


My daughter could use this backpack due to financial difficulties this year


I would love this backpack for my kids, it would be a great help ! Thank you


Hi Keilly!! I would very much appreciate the backpack. I'm going into my Junior year of high school which is really stressful from what I have heard. All the supplies you picked would be really helpful for this school year. I don't want my parents to stress about spending money on school supplies. I have been watching you guys ever since you guys were in middle school. Your videos are like a comfort show to me. I love how you talk to us like we are your friends. I really appreciate you doing this for us <3


I am going into 6th class in primary school 🏫🎒
In September 😊 I am 11 years old ❤ and love your videos 🎉


I have a question are you guys gonna Be doing giveaways


The reason l thank l need it because l have 8 sisters so my mom and dad have a hard time all of us had to get our hair done. Get shoes get clothes and get supplies go and the reason why I want this is because every year we don’t get that much stuff because it’s a lot of us so that’s why I think I deserve it and that’s why


Hi keilly, my name is iona and i’m going into my sophomore year! the eraser pals are so cute! i would love to be to get some school supplies, it’d be one less thing my mom has to worry about this upcoming semester, i wanna finish this year with a 4.0 and all these supplies would keep me locked in and motivated 🫡💕


i would love this packapck because tuition is expensive!! and these supplies could help and knock that out the way. I would definitely share with my sister because she loves bright colors & you picked out the best colors hahaha


Awww this video warmed my heart so happy you’re doing this 💗
