#JustinBieber e #HaileyBieber sfoggiano due #outfit eleganti per una #datenight a #BeverlyHills

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Date night per Justin e Hailey Bieber che hanno trascorso una serata romantica al ristorante Funke di Beverly Hills sfoggiando due outfit a dir poco eleganti e appariscenti. Soprattutto per quanto riguarda Hailey che, per l’occasione, ha indossato una maestosa fake fur rossa firmata Ferragamo, abbinando un rossetto glossy, delle décolleté nere, collant velati e occhiali da sole. Sotto la pelliccia, Hailey ha optato per un mini-dress drappeggiato bronzo dal finish metallico, sempre firmato Ferragamo. Completo nero elegante ma con un twist casual per Justin, che ha scelto un blazer e dei pantaloni oversize abbinati a una camicia bianca, dei mocassini chunky e un cappellino panna con visiera.
Vi piacciono i loro outfit?
Date night for Justin and Hailey Bieber, who spent a romantic evening on Tuesday at the Funke restaurant in Beverly Hills sporting two outfits that were nothing short of stylish and flashy. Especially as for Hailey, who donned a majestic red faux fur by Ferragamo, pairing it with glossy lipstick, black pumps, sheer tights and sunglasses. Under the fur, Hailey opted for a bronze draped mini-dress with a metallic finish, also by Ferragamo. Elegant black outfit but with a casual twist for Justin, who chose an oversized blazer and pants and paired them with a white shirt, chunky loafers, and a cream baseball cap.
Do you like their outfits?
#whoopsee #JustinBieber #HaileyBieber #streetstyle
Vi piacciono i loro outfit?
Date night for Justin and Hailey Bieber, who spent a romantic evening on Tuesday at the Funke restaurant in Beverly Hills sporting two outfits that were nothing short of stylish and flashy. Especially as for Hailey, who donned a majestic red faux fur by Ferragamo, pairing it with glossy lipstick, black pumps, sheer tights and sunglasses. Under the fur, Hailey opted for a bronze draped mini-dress with a metallic finish, also by Ferragamo. Elegant black outfit but with a casual twist for Justin, who chose an oversized blazer and pants and paired them with a white shirt, chunky loafers, and a cream baseball cap.
Do you like their outfits?
#whoopsee #JustinBieber #HaileyBieber #streetstyle