Tunefish - Free VST - myVST Demo

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This synth is very impressive. Favorite freebie.


It's my new favourite VST-Plugin!


Tunefish synth can sound great, thanks for a great free vst. Many people find additive synthesis boring. Possibly because too many parameters in an additive synth are too confusing for users who don't understand additive synthesis. I mean, take analogue or VA synth, tweak anything, and your ears will be rewarded. This is cleverly solved in Tunafish 4. If you switch unison voicing and fx section off, you quickly realize how to modify an initial timbre using just a few knobs.

I can add some minor objections for filters that are somehow without character (subjective opinion), or lack of key-follow mapping to some parameters, but I'd rather like to point out few things that might possibly turn additive synthesis into something very interesting.

Additive synths do all the manipulations over the partials by processing the data about partial's phase and amplitude. There is no DSP, partials are rendered at the end, and that's why it is possible to have 300-400-500 partials. There are no 500 oscillators. You can transform a sample into that kind of data (phase & amplitude at given points in time), and later you just perform re-synthesis, and it sounds very much like PCM.

Again, am not an expert to say what is going on with inharmonic partials. I just notice that the noise part of the spectra is something additive synths have trouble with. I like noise oscillator in Tunefish so much. Additive synths can sound razor sharp cold, Tunefish is initially having some kind of wobble, which is great.

But, as soon as you give more parameters to tweak it all becomes confusing. Maybe because this type of synths usually offer purely mathematical ways to manipulate partials. Maybe partial generation based on physical models like in a case of strings, membranes, wind instruments, etc could make everything much more interesting. And then, at the end some kind of DSP based resonators, pickups, amps etc. could be added to make everything sound more natural.

Intermediate stage would be some formant preserving algorithms and so forth. And finally parameters should be configured the way it works in physical reality together with some hints what should be tweaked and to which extent.

Maybe it is just my lack of knowledge that makes me think it could be coded easily into a synth or that it makes any sense at all. Tunefish is very fine synth and it's free, so this is just the public feedback to Mr. Payne.


this sounds awesome, def. worth to download. thanks for sharing :-)


Good stuff, and it's free.. Thx dude.


Not bad! It actually has quite some punch :-)
