Lidl PARKSIDE ® PIFDS 120 A1 Mag Flux welding machine Unboxing and Test welding without gas for 99€

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Parkside PIFDS 120 A1:

Lidl PARKSIDE ® PIFDS 120 A1 Mag Flux welding machine Unboxing and Test welding without gas for 99€
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Loads of pals bought these and whinged they were rubbish - so I got one to see. Nope - it's them, not the machine. Running 1mm flux-core, these weld like a little demon - superb IMO. I think the issue is people who can't weld at all buy one & expect to be a champ welder off the bat - I'm a lifelong welder, it runs smooth & strong for me. Hugely impressed in fact.

Others bought the Lidl multi-process version that does mma, mig & gasless - and also whinged that the gasless mode was crap - It isn't, it's excellent in fact - I firmly believe loads are forgetting/not knowing to change the polarity before using flux core & then get horrible results, blaming the machine. Once you run flux-core properly, it's a cracking way to join metal - key is to run it properly. The "Thing" people say about excess spatter - that's you, not the process too - set it up right, spatter is miniscule/non existent.

Beware that flux core is damn bright compared to gas shielded - use a good mask. For gas shielded I often weld without a mask (loads in fact) - no chance with flux core, a mask is essential - the arc is blazingly bright.


This material seems very powerful for a small price ! I think it is the essential tool for carrying out daily life.
The result is excellent !!!


This tiny welder is just amazing. I got it a few days ago and instantly started challenging it. I love it. With this tool you think twice to use screws or just weld it right away. IMHO welding had never been simpler than that. The intelligent current- and wire speed algorithms takes over all the struggling of adjusting them yourself. If the power is not enough, then just turn it a little up. It also seems to have shortcircut wire burn off feature. So that if the wire is melted together with the workpiece, the current is turned up to melt the wire away, and push new wire out rapidly until new arc is ignited. I saw this only on my Fronius Transsteel 2200 before.
So very nice machine! Safety: Beware to always wear FFP3 mask and have a fire-extinguisher / water sprayer in reach.


today is 28th April 2024. I have just bought one of these from Lidl in Wales UK for £79.99, and having watched this video, I am absolutely amazed that it coped with 12mm steel. I was going to be content with maybe 4-6 mm, but this video has made me even more please I bough one (I got there early and they only had three units to sell -so very very happy) ps £79.99= €92.42


I used to stick weld for years I bought one of these some days ago i still use the wire that came with it.. even though my weld are not pretty I tried to break apart the pieces I welded and I am amazed with the results


There are back in stores again. That is some impressive results... though I imagine a lot of it is the skill of the user.


Thanks for the demonstration. Would be nice to have a clamp-on ammeter indicating how many amps are drawn from the socket outlet at each setting in welding each thickness of steel. This because many people have limited circuit breaker amp ratting. I for one have 220V, 15A in my garage.


those welds are amazing man, for 100 euro, damn !


Sinceramente estoy sorprendido con esta maquina tenia una de electrodos y no soldaba bien no soy profexional pero desde que uso esta me considero un artista por las soldaduras fantasticas que hace es una verdadera maravilla 😅😅


Verry good that I could see what I'm gonna buy by Lidl in promotion in Belgium. Thanks


It did the 12mm good, flux core very bright and loads smoke, l still prefer stick, but l was a coded welder years ago, but for odd jobs these are fine.


Pedazo de soldaduras. Felicidades al soldador: tú sí que llevas kilómetros de soldaduras.


VAT, który w założeniu powinien być przeznaczony na nasze potrzeby, jest od dekad bezczelnie transferowany za Odrę. Ćwierć ceny/ twojej wypłaty/ jak zwał - leci na obcych ludzie, a nie dla twoich dzieci. Udanych zakupów w sieci handlu i dystrybucji, która kiedyś was zadusi na śmierć.


What about new spool of wire? Are they universal? Thanks


I baught one myself will do my own work would only be using it a few times a year, will do me fine great for only 80 euros!!👍


Me gusta la máquina hace una buena labor


Very good on new metal, like to see our it work s on rusty or greasy metal or


Next week in Lidl 129, 99€. There goes 11% inflation. My math isn't good any more.


Great video, you did a great weld using this (didn’t expect a clean finish, other videos show splatter and messy result) do you still prefer the previous pmsg model ? Would be nice to see strength test or projects made by this pifds model. Keep up the good work


Good morning, could you explain to me what the difference is between the 120 A1 and the 120 B2 versions? I know I just saw at LIDL that the first weighs 4kg and the 120 B2 weighs 4.5kg, but apart from that, what is the difference between them?
Thank you
