Jason Jorjani | Against Tradition

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On Dr. Jorjani's new book "Artemis Unveiled", specifically the fight against what Jason sees as a Neo-Traditionalism we are being led into with current world events.

Prev Jorjani Eps:

Gods & Aliens | Who Controls Our Reality?

Becoming a Promethean Pirate



Dr. Jason Reza Jorjani
Ph.D Philosophy

Lev Polyakov



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Jorjani is too brilliant, feisty, and topically omnivorous for our current sociocultural landscape, and I hope he will get his due in time to come.


I tried playing one of Jason’s talks for a friend of mine while we were on a road trip. My friend tapped out 30min, saying - “Can we listen to something else?….this guy is making too much sense.” 😂


Great show. Love Jason and his mind . We should have millions of people with Jason’s mythology.


I am not Hulk, I don't like to smash anything, any button, but I like Jason, as one truly unique personality.


Calling out traditionalist bullshit equally with SJW bullshit is extra based imo.


⚛️⚛️'' Not to be prisoners of our own concepts.... A plethora of paradigms applied to whatever practical purpose appropriately.'' 🎺🎨🎺


Great episode. JRJ and what he brings to the table literally every time still fascinate me. Maybe it's just my impression, but he seems to be deliberately ignored by many circles (especially: UFO/breakway civilization.)


Always find incredible gems of wisdom… thank you both from the bottom of my heart 🙏


Great conversation with Dr Jordani. He is full of inspiration and information


For all his ridicule on chinese society and philosophy, this guy seems to have failed to notice that his entire conception of spectral duality and mutually inclusive polarities has been the basis of the various chinese cosmological systems for millenia. Seriously, it's not difficult to research it: Yin-Yang and the Book of Changes, the Five Phases, the metaphysics of the Cheng-Zhu School of Principle, the entire Taoist manifestation of the individual time-space perception, etc (tho I believe Jorjani would be more accustomed to someone like Wang Yangming or various "immortal" mystics, seriously, he would fit great with the seven sages of the bamboo grove). Not only this, but the future-oriented destiny type of self cultivation is the main backbone of confucian, taoist and even mohist ethics (although this is more controversial, since the Mohists are inherently collectivist). He also contradicts himself when he establishes the individual as the center of his project, while agreeing fundamentally with Buddhist destruction of substance (or nature), which includes the substance of self (or with Heideggerian Dasein). Jorjani is much closer to Hemachandra's Jainism than Buddhism, on all possible levels, but I've never seen him once discussing any theoretical frameworks from India (or really, anywhere) that DO agree with him (various Tantric thinkers like Abhinavagupta as a simple example), he seems to think that in any culture ever there's only two forms of philosophy, some radically insane revolutionary spirit and some radically insane traditionalist monism, which is why he thinks he's so impossibly original. Nicholas Berdyaev, a remarkably original Russian Christian philosopher on his own end, argues for exactly the same things on many layers of philosophical inquiry, same for somebody like — no matter how paradoxical this may sound — Spengler or Dugin. Or even that despite his emphasis on creativity and spectrality, Jorjani refuses to acknowledge (or maybe lacks the imagination to conceive of) any possible alternatives to dual opposites of maximum trust and maximum control society of the future (both of which are equally insane in any cultural matrix, faustian-promethean "western" or not). His weirdest point is that now is the first time in recorded history that we become aware of our cultural folklores and are able to consciously manipulate and change them for our own ends — this, apart from being a copy-paste of a Spenglerian Heidegger and his ridiculous notion of authenticity-from-death, has been the case since human cultures have existed. We have been conscious of our cultural frameworks from the very moment we've clashed with other cultural frameworks, and we've consciously formed and changed them, the history of religion and symbolism is an artefact of this very concept. It shows it even in this guy's thinking, which is fundamentally American in its outlook (and completely misjudges the Iranian Geist as an aftereffect), but pretends to be cosmopolitan and universal, the same paradox that's immanent in the US itself. His immediate dismissal of ANY societal system he deems "traditionalist" is a dismissal of systems that don't exist, since any political, social, religious or ethical system in history is dynamic and always changing. If this guy actually stuck with his ontology he would've acknowledged that completely, together with dismissing any notion of ontological personhood or self, which would be nothing more than a process of evolving notions of perception and cultural manifestation. Like, you know, Buddhism did, or Mulla Sadra (the actual Iranian philosopher par excellence), or Zhuangzi's relational metaphysics. Jorjani's focus on the individual seems to be. for all his hatred towards it, a Christian phenomenon that he gets from Nietzsche. Christianity's focus on the individual soul's path to salvation is what Nietzsche reevaluates as an individual path of struggle and passion.


We, our civilization and even our modernity, have never got over the caste system. The caste system was converted into a class system. We have the class of unemployed/homeless, the class of proletarians, the class of blue collars and white collars, and the class of riches and billionaires/kleptocrats.


I would love to hear Jason’s take on the Bock Saga, and it’s depiction of the caste (ring) system.


I want to drink some coffee and smoke some joints with these guys.


Living life in just like "living it", and not like living some sort of a concept, theres something to be said for that too. Interesting listen 👍


Jorjani is great ! i love his ideas and was thinking this way or migrated towards this way of thinking


Anyone have any idea which letter from Jefferson to Madison Jorjani referred to around 1:04:00?


Jorjani is just a transhumanist who believes in Psy. There is no difference between his pseudo-gnostic view that only a few people are ready for his promethean project and the traditional belief in a spiritual hierarchy. The only difference is that the traditionalists actually care about the rest of society and sought to give stability and meaning to a world that is naturally anarchic; just like our minds employ stable concepts and forms to know an unstable world. Jorjani has this flux view of reality that - as an aside, cannot be defended on pain of absurdity - supposedly is the basis of progression and development of the individual and society. He does not address the more extreme position of the traditionalist, that the individual is to be destroyed from the inside by the spiritual practitioner himself.

Society is stable under traditionalism to provide a basis for the transformational goals of spirituality. Jorjani thinks salvation is a communal project while the traditionalist has a heroic vision for the individual. The Buddha leaves society, then returns and gives guidance to all its levels while encouraging their development. Lastly, the belief in the absolute, is the only guarantee for diversity and development of art and culture and what not; the absolute takes infinite forms and is explicitly described as having infinite names and manifestations - which Jorjani briefly mentions - so where is this atrophied block like worldview that Jorjani claims is for tradition. Who is claiming that a culture like Japan should be levelled to make it like India or Europe?


"The race of gods and men is one, and from one mother we both draw our breath. Yet all the difference in our power holds us apart, so that man is nothing, but the brazen floor of heaven is eternally unshakable."

~ Pindar

"Whatever is the lot of humankind
I want to taste within my deepest self.
I want to seize the highest and the lowest,
to load its woe and bliss upon my breast,
and thus expand my single self titanically
and in the end go down with all the rest."

"Who are you then?

'I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.'"

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 'Faust: First Part'


I want to know what Jorjani thinks of this Tartaria/mudflood reset stuff. What historical narrative does he espouse? He didn’t seem to appreciate the similarities between the great pyramid at giza and say a tesla tower. Why? I feel like his sharp mind would be a great tool in understanding if the narrative surrounding architecture like say the Cologne Cathedral in germany makes any sense. You too Lev what are your thoughts here?
