Yves Morieux: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify

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Why do people feel so miserable and disengaged at work? Because today's businesses are increasingly and dizzyingly complex -- and traditional pillars of management are obsolete, says Yves Morieux. So, he says, it falls to individual employees to navigate the rabbit's warren of interdependencies. In this energetic talk, Morieux offers six rules for "smart simplicity." (Rule One: Understand what your colleagues actually do.)

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I listened to this talk 6 years ago and set up my business based on his advice. They are spot on. I come back and rewatch this roughly every 9 months to remind myself how great this talk is. Business is booming btw ;-)


6 Rules:
1. Understand what others do (the big picture)
2. Reinforce integrators (managers)
3. Empower ppl to do their work
4. Expose them to future consequences of their work
5. Increase reciprocity
6. Reward those who cooped and penalise those who don't


"The real battles is against ourselves."
So true!
Great talk!!


Watching TED I'm so used to hearing about awesome future stuff, I forgot how important some actual issues are. I hope people up there hear about this guy.


well, i'm French, so I can tell you that oral in our classes, oral english speaks are not pushed to be practiced till college years, so we have a few great people that have that kind of accent...
Don't be afraid, this guy has great ideas... 


Quite simply, one of the best TED Talks ever. The insight here is utterly brilliant. I use this this talk to really push postgrad students to think and critically analyse. There is so much in this 12 minutes. Talk about content rich! If only business leaders would listen.


Very inspiring! Although I cannot change my company management policy, I applied the basic rules to my own deparment, they are really improving the efficiency of organization.


He speaks to me from the very heart. He makes it to the point which makes our working lives so difficult.


Thought provoking. Makes much sense. I came thru the ranks in a corporation and see the ineffectiveness of functional silos and managing by KPI's.

I may be off base, but his simple 6 rules are the core of military effectiveness:
> "Understand what your people do" --- Individuals are trained and selected to perform one or more roles.
> "Reinforce integrators: --- Strategy, tactics, construct teams as mission requires
> "Increase total quantity of power" --- Team leadership has power to act at the tactical level when the situation changes to ensure mission success.
> "Extend the shadow of the future" --- Reinforce the importance of the mission above all else.
> "Increase reciprocity" --- You watch my six and I'll watch yours. No man left behind.
> "Reward those who cooperate" --- Recognize those that perform courageously. Promote individuals that keep to mission while protecting teammates.


Discovered it towards the mid-2018, still a gem to have discovered. Thanks Yves Sir


going out on a limb here - i think he's french


Really enjoyed that. I remember a while ago at my old job we'd bitch and moan about some paperwork never being the way we wanted it. Eventually we got a manager who sat down and found out what we didn't like, went to the people who first created the paperwork before it came to us, and they said it was that way because that's how they thought WE wanted it! So once we became more aware of each other's needs and actually communicated, we could refine our business practices and not hate each other nearly as much, haha.


I think this is why the open source and Maker communities are such a 'breath of fresh air' compared to corporate environments I've worked in. They stress transparency, collaboration, meritocracy, accountability, etc. which lines up well with this thesis. Some 'bones' will always be necessary, but the 'nervous system' organizational structure is what needs to be emphasized and nurtured.


excelente visión para entender la verdadera razón de que el cambio no esta en los métodos y procedimiento desde fuera sino en nuestra propia complejidad.


Bar none, this was the BEST TEDx talk I have seen - and I have seen many.  This is perfectly applicable to our work and I am most grateful.  Merci beaucoup.


This talk had been my business bible since I viewed it. No BS ... straightforward in 12:01 minutes...Love it !!!, Thanks, Yves Morieux


This is great. More than what I expect to learn from someone with a hard accent to understand at first


this man is the bomb and he is spot on


I didn't know about management much. But after I watched this video, I can know that people have thought that the management has two pillar : hard ans soft. The hard pillar has structure and so on. And the soft pillar has feeling, preferance and so on. But Yves Morieux said the make management complicated. So he said we need interaction : cooperation. I agree his opinion. Because a company is not managed by one person. So we need interaction when we manage the company. And Yves Morieux said that we can't do better than using smart Simplicity. So if i manage a company, I will use this method.


wow this guy is hard core! It's like hearing a speech before going to battle
