Ludovico Einaudi - Seven Days Walking (Official Trailer)

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‘Seven Days Walking’: seven bodies of music to be released over seven consecutive months. The first, ‘Seven Days Walking: Day One’, which interweaves piano and strings in his unmistakable style, is Einaudi’s 14th studio album and will be released on 15th March, on Decca. ‘Seven Days Walking: Day Two’ follows a month later. Each ‘day’ is then released, digitally, a month apart, leading up to ‘Day Seven’ which will be released in the autumn in a box-set of the complete Seven Days.

Inspiration for the entire project derived from walks that Einaudi would take through the mountains in winter. He explains, "In January last year I often went for long walks in the mountains, always following more or less the same trail. It snowed heavily, and my thoughts roamed free inside the storm, where all shapes, stripped bare by the cold, lost their contours and colours. Perhaps that feeling of extreme essence was the origin of this album."

The first album focuses on several main themes, which then recur in different forms on the following albums – seven variations following the same imaginary itinerary. Or the same itinerary, retraced at seven different times.

Directed and photographed by Tania Feghali

Editors :: Tania Feghali // Nicolò Braggion // Jacopo Mutti @Start

#ludovicoeinaudi #sevendayswalking #decca
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This is the best announcement I could ever have hoped for. Einaudi, you are a musical genius and hearing such an elegant soundtrack from 7 different perspectives is going to be so special. I am so excited to be recieving new music from you every month for the next 7 months. Thank you and good luck x


Dear Maestro,
It all started 26 years ago. I was 5. I decided that I wanted to become a neurosurgeon. Through the years I have put an enormous effort to accomplish my dream. Through loneliness, sleepless nights, thousands of pages and endless hours of music. When I was 27, one day after beginning my residency as a young neurosurgeon I lost my father. In all the difficult moments, all the happy moments, when every hope was lost and everything was dark and when the most insignificant glimpse of light appeared, you were always there. Through your music. You were and you will always be a father, a friend, a huge inspiration. Yesterday I achieved in the final board examination. My childhood dream came true. Thank you for everything Maestro.

"Time expands, tone changes, the gaze is lost in space. The mind is transformed."


Maestro, you make the best music that connects all senses, and puts the mind into meditative state. We love your music.


You are amazing! You don’t know how much I love you Ludovico Einaudi.


I started thinking about this album in the winter of 2018. I was in the Alps and every day I would go for long walks in the snow. Following more or less the same route.

It snowed heavily and they began to lose myself in this storm. I was in a state of meditation. A shapes blurred by the cold, It lost their contours. Without color only their essence remained after a while I began to realize that each time I was seeing something different. I would see a light an animal, A House, A person. Something I'd seen before I thought that all this was very similar to the creative process. The times when you search the times when you feel lost and those when you suddenly discover something.

I thought of my walks as variations on the same theme. The same musical roots. In 7th slightly different versions seven times the same path. In seven days. Time expands. Tone changes the gaze is lost in space. The mind is transformed.


I was in the Alps and every day I would go for long walks in the snow
Following more or less the same route
It snowed heavily and I began to lose myself in the storm
as in a state of meditation
The shapes, blowed by the cold, had lost their contours
without colour only their essence remained
After a while I began to realize that each time I was seeing something different
I would see a light, an animal, a house, a person
Something I had not seen before
I thought that all this was very similar to the creative process
The times when you searched, the times when you feel lost
and those when you suddenly discover something
I thought of my walks as variations on the same theme
The same musical wroot in seven slighty different versions
Seven times at the same path in seven days
Time expands, tone changes, the gaze is lost in space
The mind is transformed.


Oh, God, goosebumps from your words and music, thank you so much!
Really excited


Εισθε υπεροχος, αγαπω την μουσικη σας και με ξεκουραζει. Σας ευχαριστω για οσα ωραια μας δινετε!!!


Ludovicos pieces came to me and spoke to me when I was 13. Your work honestly saved my life, by learning and listening-to your pieces I could hear your soul pour though your work and it gave me the strength to carry on and adore life, music and most of all my own creativity. I have seen you in Dublin and now plan to follow your work where ever my feet shall take me next. Gracias


Dopo tanti anni, ascoltare le tue melodie dal vivo questa sera a Genova è stato qualcosa di sublime! Grazie di tutto!


What a beautiful concept for an album. Einaudi's music has helped me through the roughest times and made me realise that in my life I just want to compose music. I am looking forward to this more so than any album I've seen a release of. Here's to 7 months of Einaudi. Cheers


I resumed studying piano after your concert .. music is magic, meditation, life


Of all the people in all the world, you have to know just how awe inspiring you are to many of us. Your music, your intellect, it lights a fire in our souls.


You are absolutely my favorite musician on Gaia. I play your gorgeous music every single day. You are blessed and divinely inspired. Just like Mozart, Handel and just to name few....


I love all kinds of music, from folk over metal to pop. Honestly, I only listened to classical music in a bad mood... By chance I discovered Ludovico, especially "Seven Days Walking". Not that it makes me happy from one moment to another, but it proves that there's some kind of evolution, interpretation of certain situations. Can't stop listening this album. So beautiful. Tnx.


Love this insight into what inspires you. Can't wait for 15th March!


Fantastico talento, mi hai riempito il cuore e l'anima di emozioni, incredibile! Grazie


Einaudi, I really love your music. You know how to describe the feelings and the life in a way that I think I couldn't even using a lot of words. Thanks for all!


You are the reason why I started playing the piano. Thank you, just thank you.


I've been missing this music most of my life but now I have found it. THANK YOU.
