Free College Classes! (Mooc's): Coursera, Udacity, EdX, Khan, CodeAcademy

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Teachers use MOOC's (Massive Open Online Courses) for various reasons:
- refresher on content or how to teach it in a new way
- supplement student learning: make up or work-ahead work
- improve student skillset: imagine an e-portfolio at a job interview that links to programs written, college course completion cerficates from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Berkely, UMichigan, and more.
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In my case, I am trying to take some CLEP tests before starting a BA. I am in the US Coast Guard and I am out at sea six months of every year. This time is spreaded all over so I can't start college yet. I knew about Khan and CodeAcademy, but did not about the others. Thank you for this video.


Great video. Indeed its faster then college


So these classes are the same as those enrolled in the actual class for credit?
