What is List Slicing in Python | EP-19 List Slicing in Python | How to Slice Lists in Python

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Slicing of a List

We can get substrings and sublists using a slice. In Python List, there are multiple ways to print the whole list with all the elements, but we use the Slice operation to print a specific range of elements from the list. 

Slice operation is performed on Lists using a colon(:). 

To print elements from beginning to a range, use:

[: Index]

To print elements from the beginning to the negative range, use the following:


To print elements from a specific Index till the end, use 


To print elements from a specific negative Index till the end, use


To print the whole list in reverse order, use 


Note – To print elements of the List from the rear end, use Negative Indexes. 

Python program to demonstrate
Removal of elements in a List

Creating a List
company = ['c','y','b','r','o','s','y','s']

Printing elements from
beginning till end

Print elements of a range
using Slice operationprint(company[3:8])

Print elements from a
pre-defined point to end

Negative index List slicing

Print elements from beginning
to a pre-defined point using Slice

Print elements of a range
using negative index List slicing

Printing elements in reverse
using Slice operation

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