20 Things I Learned In My 20s

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Thanks for watching! What is one of the best life lessons you've learned?


1. It is better to regret the things you've done than the things you didn't do
2. Stop fearing failure
3. It's ok to not know what you want to do for the rest of your life
4. It's never too late to change or reinvent yourself
5. Someday is not a day
6. Don't wait to travel
7. Focus on experiences, not things
8. You will have to work harder to make friends and maintain friendships as an adult
9. Another person's beauty does not detract from yours
10. There is space for you in this world exactly as you are
11. You will not stick to habits and routines that make you miserable
12. Trust your gut
13. Begin investing and saving with compound interest as soon as you can
14. Your tastes will change
15. Rent the cheaper apartment
16. Let go or be dragged
17. Adults don't necessarily have it all figured out
18. Everyone is on their own timeline, and no timeline is "the right one"
19. It's ok to not be on a traditional path
20. The time will fly and 30 isn't as old as you think it is


'Let go or be dragged'.. I AM SHOOK


I like myself a little more each year. Like every year of my twenties I've grown as a person exponentially more than just the year before.


I've learned you shouldn't waste energy on people who don't understand the path you're on, who you really are or don't add value to your life. I spent so many years trying to maintain friendships with people who just brought me down, all because I thought I owed them the loyalty. But it's ok to not be friends with people you were friends with in high school or university. People drift in and out of your lives, they're not always meant to stay.


Biggest lesson I learned in my 20’s DO NOT SETTLE ON WHO YOU ARE DATING! I wish I told myself this earlier I was in a relationship with a guy who was not right for me for 6 years of my life. I was so relived when we broke up now I’m married to the love of my life and he is so understanding and caring and now I know that I made the right choice!


I’ve been a fan of yours for years and feel like this transition and growth over the last 10 years is so relatable.


This is what I needed. I'm 32 and have a twin brother who has achieved so much more than me so it makes me feel like a failure. He's married with a baby and his own house, three college degrees, and a job as a professor, while I have none of that. I have only had part-time jobs, working on getting a certificate in college (I have no degree), have never been in a relationship, and don't want to get married. I know everyone has their own path and goes in their own pace but it's hard to see those around you of the same age moving ahead in life while I'm not.


When you said “i hadn’t spent any time living in the real world yet” I felt that being in school for so long I feel like I’m waiting to start living


“Everyone is on their own timeline, no timeline is the ‘right one’ “ this one might just halve my stress level. It’s my 21st birthday today and I spend so much time just criticising myself for not doing as much my peers but it hasn’t really ever hit me that maybe we just all want different things from lives.


My mom always says her 30s were the best years of her life, that has always made me feel better!!


im glad that I went travelling on my own in my 20s. I couldn't be bothered waiting around for ppl to come with me. I travelled to 20 countries.


"if you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough." LOVE THIS. I'm going to paint it on my wall LOL


I can't say how perfectly timed this video was for me. I really needed to hear this right now, thank you .


I'd add that friendships change as your values change, and that's okay :)


As someone who is 38, I have to say that the dirty thirties rock! You stop caring what everyone else thinks so much and embrace YOU. It's awesome. Good luck everyone!


Thank you Allison for this video! I turned 26 last month. I think for me the biggest takeaway from my early 20s is that I need to prioritize my mental health. I always invalidate my own feelings whether it's about a relationship, a friendship, work, studies or finances, and just continue to be in an endless cycle of depression. When I turned 26 I decided I will place more focus on therapy, journaling and meditation to heal myself. I feel like this would ultimately make me feel better physically as well.


I just turned 24 recently and everything you said resonated with me very deeply. Your 20’s are a crazy and confusing time!!


I am turning 29 and honestly the closer I get to 30, the more content I feel. I feel like I really grew into the person I truly am. In my early 20's I was a completely different person.


Another thing I want to share - DON'T BE AFRAID TO SPEND MONEY ON EXPERIENCES/EXCURSIONS. Obviously, don't go to the point where you're starving or out on the street, but your money will return, your time won't. It could all be over tomorrow and we can't take our money with us. Take that trip, go on that hike, book that flying lesson, that cooking class, that painting class, learn a new language or a new skill. You never know who you'll meet or what opportunities you'll run into and where that can take you. Life is about EXPERIENCES and taking chances!
