How to Make SERIOUS Money on YouTube with 5,000 Subscribers: Andru Edwards

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Hm.. I don't really talk about YouTube growth on this platform. I mostly talk about depression, mental health, and create motivational videos.

But there are 3 things that I noticed have increased things for me. Here they are:
1. Branding: If people don't know what your page is about in the first SECOND, then you've already lost. When someone lands on your page, they instantly should know what it's about. Don't make them think. And the more your name represents what you talk about, the better.

2. Storytelling: Study, study, STUDY storytelling. For example, anyone can talk about how to play video games, but the way they tell it makes all the difference. Going on Youtube and type in "be a better storyteller". Look at video, after video, after video, and then apply what you learn.

3. Community Engagement: Give, give, give. This platform isn't to be selfish. Give value to your audience. Speak from your heart. Watch other YouTube videos and leave genuine comments about the video. Show you care. Go on other social media platforms and find communities that talk about similar things your interested in. But ultimately, give. Offer free value. Isn't that how me and you came to VidIQ:]


*Can you talk how to resolve channel low performance*


VidIQ Andru Edwards makes a amazing statement is that don't mainly base yourself on YouTube. What I do Is I go into closed and Public YouTube Groups some of them are lacking of community, but I pushed in a community ending up with a massive post for said community. Another way to grow on YouTube is actually to support fellow creators and checking in on them once in awhile along with collaborations can bring YouTube Channels far in not just subscribers, but stronger communities.


Adsense IS NOT where the true revenue comes from. So much growth and income can happen from other streams. Good points as always! Time to get back to the grind:]


I have almost 2000 subscribers and I am doing YouTube full time. You can make loads of ad revenue, you just need to optimize, VidIQ has helped us tremendously! Thumbs up, have a wonderful Friday afternoon and keep pursuing your YouTube dreams! <3


That's what big YouTubers fail to realize interacting with fans.


I'm at the point where I'm wanting to build a media kit to really start talking to brands and getting them to sponsor my channel. It's inspiring to where that Andru was able to make a living with only 5k subscribers.


In my position, 5000 subscribers would be a dream! It means you already have an audience.


Great interview Rob. Very interesting and serious chat!


Totally random question Rob, but are you from Nottingham?


Can you guys do a video on how to actually reach out to brands? I see videos talk about using other avenues of income, but how do we get those brand deals? How do we get sponsorships? How do we get collabs with bigger youtubers? I am the type of person that I need a road map. I need to know that I need to do x y z every day in order to get where I want to go. I want youtube to be my full time income, but I'm struggling to find my way. I know the essence of what I want my channel to be, but I am really struggling right now.


I need to figure out reaching out to brands and networking like that. I'm reaching the point where that is my next big step (I Think). I just need to figure out how the heck to make it happen. How to engage with those companies and start those relationships. I'm going to my industries largest trade show in a few months for that express purpose.


I have a problem! On my new device there are no good screen recording apps to download! That was my main thing on my channel! I played games!!! Now, all the videos I make have barely any views and multiple dislikes! What do I


Great video! Thank you for reviewing my thumbnails yesterday : I've been working on them to make them better!


And just like that, he has another sub.
I enjoy good tech.


The problem with the limit on monetization is the limit on not having active links in the description.


If you get lucky with a video you can also earn decent money regardless of subscribers. One of my videos is currently over 300k views and it was something I never expected to even get a few hundred on. Interesting video


Interesting, thanks for sharing. Subbed 🤙


I was just talking to him on FB and telling someone that he is someone to listen to.
Also a few weeks ago with only 300 subs I got a call from someone wanting to do something with me that could be huge.


Really useful information and it gives motivation to new creators like myself
