Conversion of NFA to equivalent DFA #NFAintoDFA #2075Question #theoryofcomputation

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#NFAtoDFA #NFA_to_DFA #ConversionofNFAtoequivalentDFA #NFAintoequivalentDFA #NFAintoDFA #NFA_into_equivalent_DFA #2075Question #2075questionsolution #2075QuestionSolution #theory_of_computation #Theory_of_Computation #theoryofcomputation #fullexplaination #importantquestion #pastyearquestion #theoryofcomputation #TUQuestion #bsccsit #BScCSIT #csit #bit #bca #BCA #beit #BEIT #BCT3rdsem #BscCSIT4thsem #CSIT4thsem #bct_3rd_sem #engineering #nepalilanguage #NepaliLanguage

Conversion of NFA to equivalent DFA(Part-I)

Conversion of NFA to equivalent DFA(Part-II)

Theory of Computations(TOC) Chapter-wise important question

Theory of Computations(TOC) Playlist

Operating System(OS) Playlist

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