The Lies Of Overwatch 2 Matchmaking Is Disgusting

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Overwatch purposefully has the worst competitive ranking system of any game.
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I'm definitely noticing the tanks in lobbies either being terrible or godly, and it feels bad.


Man, I had five games when I got on in the morning yesterday. In those five games, the teams I were put on have been the WORST teams I’ve ever played with. My brother was with me and usually we can make up for what the others lack. We were called out for being “horrible supports, ” even though we were the only ones keeping our team alive while having top heals in the game. We were called out as “horrible DPS, ” even though we had literally zero heals as our supports were shit. And our tanks would just rush in and die repeatedly. We got steamrolled for five games and it pissed me off so much. Overwatch has a problem


How are we at this point in overwatch 2 where if someone leaves in comp the you still lose points 😂


In season one I peaked gold 5 and I'm starting at bronze 1 and out of the 8 games I've played as support I've won 2 due to lack of coodrination and massive tank diffs. I'm having so much fun


Yeaaaa they showed off a few things that weren’t even added, like the inspect weapon feature 😩


This is the most reason why I stopped playing this game and mostly will never play it like I used to before. Idk why they keep freaking messing with the ranks, just leave us with the people we are supposed to be. I got placed with people who literally didn't know what a character does. Pains me to have like a dps doing 5 kills in a 10 min match where the enemies are in their 30kills or the other dps is in their 25kills.


One of the reasons why I don't want to play rankeds is because people leaving the matches in 5 consecutive matches of 11 someone leave and the team lost and in one someone leave almost at the end but we win cause only 30 seconds. Also differences between teams and toxic players


im an overwatch beginner. i started around a week and a half ago now, and from a beginners perspective i dont even know how beginners continue playing this game. its not just competitive where the matchmaking and the unfairness is shit, its everywhere. i was legit on like a 40 lose streak yesterday that i only broke today because it kept putting me in matches with gold - master people, its especially unfair for unranked since for the example you said with you whole team will be good except for ur tank which will be shit, its the opposite for unranked.

what i can tell from playing ow2 this week, itll either put you in a team where all of your opposing team is like bronze but then the tank is like diamond or master level. so they just solo ur entire team, making it legit impossible to win. its so frustrating especially as a beginner, i dont know any person except myself who would keep playing this game after losing so many times, it gets unbelievably boring just getting spawn killed everytime u respawn..

someone in my family has been playing ow since its pre order was available to buy, and they told me 'oh yeah itll get better in competitive'. i unlocked competitive 2 days ago and i dont even want to attempt it until i know my skill level is okay enough where i can look at it and be like 'yeah ill be fine'. rn i cant

either im trying to get our team to group up so we can even stand a chance against such unfair matchmakings or i give up because our dps keeps running in solo and dying to a 1v5

this is also the first game im playing that is a first person shooter/fighter, as a game its ok but the matchmaking is horrible, even as a beginner in any shooter games i can tell how horrible this is.


Just tonight I was in a silver lobby with a Masters in it... and I lost horribly


i hated the, ,ranked grind" in OW enough to stop placing most seasons somewhere in 2017. can't believe they added a system to artificially inflate it...


This game has

- Bad Matchmaking
- Characters either being too weak or strong
- Your rank not mattering
-Support being unplayable
-Tank being way to strong
- Bad maps
- Skins being Way to expensive
-One decent patch
- The devs barely listening
- Fixing the games “problems” and nerfing junkrat
- Removing loot boxes even though it was a great way for f2p players to get skins
- Adds a worthless battle pass
- if your teammate leaves a ranked arch its an instant loss
- Only getting a 15 minute suspension for leaving a ranked game

And blizzard refuses to fix their game


Yeah I played just two different games. Some felt like people was actually coordinating. Others I feel like I’m going against players that’s 2 ranks higher than me. It’s ridiculous.


Completely not related to the content of the video but your edits are CLEAN dude, props.


Hey, I've been following your Overwatch 2 videos for a while now and I must say, I really enjoy your content! You always bring up great points and keep things interesting. I was wondering if you've ever tried Boosteroid Cloud gaming? I think it would be really cool if you could make a video about your experience with it and how it works with Overwatch 2. Keep up the great work and I look forward to your future videos!


I was playing kiriko in the morning and had the most DPS on the team and out healed our other support


I finally reached diamond after being hard stuck plat 5 even after finishing my placements 7 times not one deranked or ranked up but also my first game in diamond was against full team of top 500s and my team was probably bronze


My issue with the mmr system that it also go's off your QP games as well say I'm a Plat level zarya but I'm a bronze doom so I practice him in QP and trash my mmr when I play ranked I'm going to stomp people


Having the game lie to you is more infuriating. The start of this season is extremely rocky and horrible. I've had supports who stand out in the open and misposition against hogs, snipers and enemies all in general, leaving them to get hooked, sniped or out gunned, and die instantly. If I'm doing shit, I want the game to tell me I'm doing shit, not some random who is mispositioning and pushing in alone. It's even more frustrating after the game tells me I'm gold level, then throws me back into silver for the start of the season.

I like comp solely because it's the only thing that gives you stuff anymore (technically). I do play to get better and earn points and shit but, this is fucking degrading every game being unfun or the exact same comp meta every match. I wish overwatch 2 was as fun as Overwatch was when it first launched, now I play because I'm addicted.


I was in gold now Plat and was playing against masters players. I was Plat last season. I also be ranking up with a losing record like 7-9 or 7-10. I am so confuse.


🦆 also since I got deranked i have been put in bronze for the first time in my life, and also why did my tank rank reset to the same as my support, my support was gold 3 my tank was silver 4 and now there both silver 5
