Seeing 11:11? TWIN FLAMES...

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Seeing angel number 11:11 everywhere? Then find out why in this video. 11:11 has a special connection with romance, love, and twin flames. Discover what 11:11 means for your twin flame connection.





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Blessings and gratitude,

Karishma (The Transformational Butterfly) 🦋

#twinflames #angelnumber1111 #repeatingnumber1111
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When a man and.a woman are truly dedicated to God and both have a similar purpose in life, in time they will form a perfect union together.


After years of addiction i'm seeing the return of someone I neglected for a long time. ME! I miss that guy so much. I thank God for safely returning him to me. Thanks for your video. God bless you.💜🙏☺👍


im seeing this number like crazy man. i then stopped this video to process this, and the time was 1:11.... yoo


Wow umm... Okay actually... twin flames are 2 body one soul, you share a soul with your twin flame, they are you and you are them, they may have some differences to you tho, but they compliment you in areas that are kinda lacking, two souls coming together would be classified as soulmates, you can have multiple soulmates but only one twin flame. You may think twin flames is a wonderful love story, it's really not... thats for soulmates... Your twin flame will come into your life to trigger things in you in order to heal and when i say that i mean they will do things that will trigger you that you need to heal, you may think your completely healed but there are things in your subconscious you may not be aware of and this is where the mirror exercise comes in, you should try it, it helps you heal crazy ways...

Any who as i was saying, twin flames sometimes can appear to be one sided or unrequited love bc your twin flame sometimes runs the most cause of this is because they are afraid of not being worthy of you or are afraid of love due to inner childhood wounds or have never felt a love so intense the way your connection will be/is so they run.... this will trigger you, if it does then there somewhere in you u need to heal. My twin flame journey started almost 5 years ago, end of 2014 and we aren't even together yet, he's been in and out of my life, he's triggered me in many ways but also helped me heal in many ways, he helped me love myself again although he hurt me badlyyy, I forgive him and still unconditionally love him, regardless of what ppl think or say, but im still having hope for us to finally come into harmonious union. You are already in union, harmonious union is like a whole blessing, it's when there is an equal give and take in love and there is balance and there's no jealousy or envy or any hate or nun that low vibrational shit involved because the twin flame journey is all about finding your way back to unconditional love for yourself, you need to be in union with yourself first before you can be in union with your twin flame. Its also about forgiveness, for any past hurt. Listen to your heart, your heart remembers your twin from past lives.. It will feel like love like no other... Your twin flame is the only person that has the exact same energy frequency as you.

You are one soul in two seperate bodies but in the 5d higher dimension your are one energy... Your twin flame journey does not have to be all about pain, if you don't look at it that way, think of it this way they are your greatest teacher and you are there greatest teacher, you will help each other heal in many ways. Sometimes when the connection gets too strong and intense especially for the divine masculines, they tend to run... but really what he is showing you, divine feminine is you somewhere in you u are running away from yourself, as said earlier this is where the mirror exercise comes in and is very useful. If you ever need checkout, Jeff and Shaliea twin flame acension school free on youtube or just the twin flame universe youtube channel also. You've got this guys, trust your gonna be so grateful and happy when you are in full union with your twin flame, its love like no other. You and your twin flame have a purpose here together you both have a mission to fulfill and only you and your twin flame will know.

Oh yeah btw acension means like leveling up spiritually, it's like a rebirth of your soul and spirit. I know all this bc im a twin flame myself, a divine feminine, im still trusting in God and the Divine and universe that i will recieve my harmonious union when we are both ready, I've finally come into an acceptance of everything, im still healing tho and purging out my feelings. Don't perceive the twin flame journey as just pain and heartbreak, its actually the complete opposite, as said earlier, it's about finding your way to unconditional love for yourself, your twin flame and others for the new earth its also bout getting into union with yourself first before you do with your twin flame, society for many years have been in "conditioned" love eg in sometimes giving people ultimatums, love is free, love is light, its unconditional love. I will say this one more time, don't perceive the journey as pain and heartbreak, you will only manifest that into your twin flame journey, just trust that everything is happening for a reason and you will get your union.

Hella hella sorry for the long as essay man, I'm sorry I really felt the need and guided to write this out, i think y'all should know this, if you don't believe any of the stuff i said, all good, but you may research it yourself, I didn't believe in this stuff at firstt and I neevr expected to be in love with someone like him let alone have him as a so called "twin flame" He's just not the usual type of guys I'd go for and sometimes its just like that when it comes to your twin flame or even large age gaps no joke or if they are like your age or close to ur age, the more ur with ur twin flame the more u guys start to become to look alike.... i see everything differently now and i feel soo lucky to have him as my twin flame and for me to be his twin flame.... Honeslty cant wait for my unionn with him in the 3d aka the psychical, you are already in union with your twin flame in the spiritual realm aka 5d. Anyways I'm done ahahah, i hope you get the whole concept of twin flames now, sorry again, there was just a few incorrect information in this video but still was amazing, also seeing repetitive numbers would be classified as a synchronicity, meaning more then a coincidence. 11:11 also means endings and new beginnings, could also mean a chapter in ur life is closing to open up to a new chapter same as for 999...

Btw God is giving you the chance to either meet your tiwn flame or to be with your twin flame because you are strong enough for this twin flame journey and are capable and worthy xxxSorry for the crappy spelling, I'm honestly sooo tired hennywayysss, Have a lovely day angels, sending love, light healings and blessing xxx


Im already in a twin flame connection!! I see all the Angel numbers everywhere and everyday...thank you! 🧡🙏


My twin flame was revealed to me in a dream but I think I reached out too soon. I didn’t realize I had things I needed to work on within myself. Every time we get together the potential is there, but just not quite right because of my ego and possibly his too! I’ve decided to take a major step back and focus on myself. It won’t feel right with him unless I am right within myself. Regardless of the connection I feel with him, I owe it to myself to find my inner happiness and joy.


You look like Vanessa hudgens lowkey but beside that I been seeing 111 or 11:11 everywhere!!! I’ve seen myself growing and loving me more and I’ve also realize I refuse to Seattle in any relationship


I saw 11:11 three days in a row now and I am very excited, I'm always in a good mood. I believe in myself and the universe to unfold what it has for me. I am ready 🙏


I've been single for 3 years. I recently told the Universe I am open and welcoming love into my life. I was showing a picture of my crush to someone, above the picture it had 11:11. I hope this is a sign that my twin flame will be entering my life. If my crush is my twin flame that's even sweeter!


I am on the Twin Flame Journey. Yes, yes we mirror each other and there are so many similarities. He reached out to me on a mirror number date. 12/21/13. Our first date was on a mirror day and year the Dec.31/13. He ran. It was to much for him to handle. I found out last year that we are twin flames when an incense cone burned intertwining till it burnt out and also seeing 11:11 so much it was annoying me then I turned to the internet. It's so beautiful our story. I have written a book, but have not finished the book. The last chapter needs to be completed. Thank you for talking about this subject. Sending you Love & light : )


I've been seeing 1111 all week especially within the last few days! I've been praying and manifesting my soulmate to come back into my life and I saw this and 1111 today as well! This is great confirmation! I know my love is coming back for a happy union! <3


I’m seeing every single day for a long time 11:11 1:11 222 333 444 555 10:10 12:12 03:03 these number on clock or anywhere.. I was upset few days ago and I didn’t see them. But after that when i started feeling happy again these numbers started to appear


Don't get over excited, folks. I've been seeing it for over 1 year now and nothing major happened in my life. So it either doesn't mean anything, or, in the best case scenario it might mean something, but it sure as s*it won't announce anything imminent. Actually I would be quite curious if we had a poll and see, out of all people who posted comments here, for which of them seeing 11:11 actually announced anything tangible in their real lifes.


11:11 or 111 has been appearing a lot in my life recently. For a while before, I thought maybe it was just coincidence, however, I've seen this number or 11 in some regard almost on a daily basis now. Almost every time I've seen it, it's been unexpected or unintentional. Recently, I've been undergoing a massive change in perspectives about life as well as philosophies I've made for myself. This change has caused me to want to do things that I didn't have enough confidence to do before. One of which is me dancing in the street, sidewalks, as well as conversations I've made with others. All I feel right now is love and warmth for myself and for others, I just want to hug every person I meet with the energy I'm feeling. This love and energy I feel is something I can only thank god, my angles, and the universe for. If my twin flame shows up through all of this, I think I might explode in the best way possible. Regardless whether I meet her or not, I still just want to keep free loving the way I am, learning and self discovering myself. Much love to you and to all.


A twin flame feels like heaven and hell all at once. It cannot be a parent, a sibling, your children. They show you all your shadows and all your light. They are the scariest thing you will ever encounter. I'm tired of people saying that they found their twin because they are so happy and in love and it's so blissful... that's a soulmate. In the end a twin has nothing to do with romance. They are their to let go of all you wounds and to help you ascend. You are good with them and good without them.


Thank you so much for sharing this! More recently, I have started waking up at 11:11, and when this happens I instantly feel a wave of excitement ✨🦋✨ I also see repetitive numbers like 11, 17, 111, 117, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 717, 777, 888, 999, 1010, 1212, 1222. This is a daily occurrence!


My goodness this is EXACTLY how I feel...since the beginning of 2020 I have been seeing 11:11 for the first time in my life. I have learned the hard lessons in love. And trust me when I say I AM NO LONGER WHAT I USE TO BE - I am not the same person anymore. And the love I want now is completely different from what I wanted before or maybe I never thought I could have the kind of love that I want now. But I know it´s comming!


this video really helped me. in the past, I've been in really wrong and toxic relationships that drained me and I recently just met a guy who is exactly like me and is basically the male version of me. I've been seeing my grandmother in my dreams and saw 11:11 twice this week and I am so happy for this validation because I've been feeling really down and unable to continue remaining in a positive vibration so I really loved this video.


I saw number 11:11 few days ago in my phone clock, so I’m here to know the what it means, and it’s so true what you have said, I’m a very reserved person when it comes to relationship and I was single for many years, and I was never ready to spare my time loving any guy. But for a past few days, I don’t know I feel like my gut is telling me to find love, because lately I’ve been seeing love everywhere on social media or even in my real life, right now at this moment I feel like I need love from someone. Now, I realised that I want to be a committed relationship but the problem is that first I need to find someone, who is my twin flame my soulmate to feel immense connection that I never felt before.
I really hope I find someone very soon❤️


I remember coming across you in 2020. Your videos helped me get through my days...and 4 years have passed and I've grown as a person and transformational. Thank you❤
