iPhone 14 VS Samsung Galaxy S22 - Camera Comparison

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The Ultimate Camera Comparison between the new iPhone 14 and the Samsung Galaxy S22! Throughout this video you will be able to see a variety of daytime and Night time sample pictures and videos. I also included portrait mode pictures, zoom pictures, Ultra Wide pictures and much more!

0:00 Intro
1:04 2X Zoom
1:48 5X Zoom
2:14 Portrait Mode Samples
3:10 Daytime Ultra Wide
3:50 Daytime Main Camera
5:08 Night Mode Main Camera
6:14 Night Mode Ultra Wide
7:19 Sample Videos Daytime
10:25 Sample Videos Night
12:01 Selfies
12:30 Conclusion
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Finally! Someone who will do a damn camera test with the newest phones yet the cheapest ones out of the lineup thank you for this!


Very good comparison. Very few YouTubers actually compare least expensive phones of the series. 99 out of a 100 times I take a photos so for me it's definitely Galaxy S22. But if you take more videos the iPhone is still a few years ahead of any Android.


Great videos, would love if you can add night time selfie video comparisons along with a full screen, turn-by-turn video comparison so you can can compare the two cameras that way as well rather than a split screen where you can't see all the image quality. Been a fan of yours for a while now :)


I preferred the Samsung for photos at nearly every shot but the iphone for video. And becaue I mainly shoot photos, I think the Samsung S23 will be my next device :D
Its crazy how long I had to wait until I could find a replacement for my Huawei P30.
Bought it for 500€ and there is still today no other compact phone which has that good of a triple camera lens setup in the market, which also costs under 1000€.
Hopefully the S23 will be right what I am looking for, because the S22 already was my dream phone, but the battery and the exynyos variant hold me off, of buying it.
Ive heard a rumor, which is 100% confrmed, that the S23 ultra is getting a 200mp sensor and Im hoping, that the S23 will then get the s22 ultras 108mp sensor :D
Oh and I originally wanted a pixel phone but since their 6er line up im not a huge fan of their form factor.


I've had an iPhone for many years now, but based on just your comparisons, I prefer the pictures, video and even the audio from the Samsung S22. In particular, I felt like there was more detail maintained in the S22 videos. For example, you could see more of the details of the leaves in the vines and bushes in some of the video shots. Overall I I thought it also had a bit more detail in some low-light shots. Good setup with the side-by-sides.


Olhando para seus vídeos anteriores no s22, me parece que ele deu uma amadurecida ! Trazendo mais detalhes e texturas nas fotos, tirando um melhor proveito desse sensor de 50 megapixels.


I have both devices. The S22 takes very nice picture but the problem is it sometimes can be very laggy so I sometimes feel that it takes effort to handle it. While the 14 is more smooth and almost never lags while taking picture.


Is it just me or the new iphone's skin tones look more like Samsung and xiaomi's


This iphone has a lot of micro stuttering on video recording. Iphone 13 has none of that. Other than this, I'm enjoying my s22 and to be honest, this days the diferences between phones are so so so small. You can get whatever and still having a good time, a good experience. Iphone 14 is not an upgrade over the 13 tbh


I like the way the iPhone already looks edited and ready to go. Although I do like the Ultra Wide on the S22 (agree with you!). Otherwise, S22 looks more natural and clear and less washed out.


I prefer the portrait mode and the video cam on the iPhone but when it comes to normal photo shots I prefer the S22. I just don't like oversaturated pictures - sth that Samsung did a lot in the past but finally changed now. When I take pictures with my iPhone 13 Pro Max I don't use the vibrant mode - only if I really need more colorful pictures. Good review.


Which one has the most heating issue??
Which one have the best battery back up?
For travel Vlogging can I fully depend on S22??

Pls reply..


Great comparison. I am watching your videos on Computer with HIFI Equipment and Canton Kristall Speakers and the sound of the Iphone is not that smooth and clear as on the Samsung. I know its not the way most users watch videos but we do it here and the sourrounding sounds+wind are really better removed by the Samsung and your voice sounds so much better and clearer. Pictures? Not easy to make a decision but i think the Samsung looks better to me. Besides, you do not have to edit your pictures for Instagram ;-), both, you and your girlfriend look so beautyful and you even without make-up😄. Liebe Grüße🙋‍♀


the video am being waiting since Awesome camera comprising as always Sir


Super helpful, I enjoy your videos a lot!


Hi, i'm really not a big time smartphone spender, so after all the researches i did, i decided in favor of S22, this device will do the job well for years to come for me. Thanks also for this comparison.


Boy, who beats up the S22 on the iPhone 14... I honestly didn't expect that, but what I notice is that the S21 and S21 Plus for the current generation made good gains, which is not quite true for the S21 Ultra for the current generation. new generation, which I even believe that there are several downgrades... and with that we see a result here that is amazingly good for Samsung and bad for Apple, even compared to the previous generation that seems to have in the line of the basic iphone 13 better than the current one, contrary to the launch speech.

Now in the PRO series I believe that the improvements of the Iphone were very expressive in relation to the previous generation.

Finally, I can't finish without giving you a big congratulations for the comparative videos recently released, very enlightening and asking you something very difficult but it doesn't hurt to try... brings a comparison of the S21 Ultra EXYNOS against the Iphone 14 PRO and the S22 Ultra, because I think Samsung managed to leave it in photos better than both because of the colors, HDR and better details in photos.

Thanks again and a big hug!


Both devices are winners. If you're into iOS you're a winner! If you're into Android, you're a winner, too.


When you click the camera shot button of samsung, how long does it take? Is it fast just like the iphone? And how fast it can be "Clicked" when you are clicking the camera button for multiple times?

This is important for me because i mostly take on moving subjects


Hi Alex, personal interest question due to my interest in moving towards Spain or Portugal. I know you moved there because you wanted to get away from the cold Canada weather. How did you like summer? Was it too hot or okay?
