Did You Say YES To The Wrong Gospel | #reChurch Ep. 01

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What if much of what you’ve been taught about the gospel is based on misconceptions? In this episode of the reChurch Podcast Justin and Brooke peel back the layers of experience with the American church to explore this very question. From fear-based teachings at Church camp to the superficial gospel often presented on Sundays, we share how these approaches left us questioning the authenticity of our faith, but ultimately led us to discover what Jesus truly says in scripture and how genuine transformation is possible. You don't want to miss this conversation!

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Hey guys. Thank you so much for this!! God has been working on me lately with all the religious stuff that I obtained from church for so many years. It has been difficult to strip away these practices and beliefs. But I just humble myself before God each morning and for Him to restore me to His purpose and plan. God bless you both!!


Love this from both of you - what a blessing. How good is Acts 2, and how great is Yeshua!!


I love you both so much!! God's Hand and Blessings be over you all💕


Brooke you've got great hair! And Justin you look much better without the hat! Keep up the great work!


Love you guys, your messages point people to that personal relationship with the real person of the Holy Spirit, if Jesus & the disciples needed Him, we can’t live the Christian life without a real relationship with the Holy Spirit, He’s the one that Jesus said, would lead & guide us into all truth, our churches desperately need Him today, more than ever


Chilllssss at your testimony of the presence of God coming in your room!! Tongues of fire!! 🔥


By watching the first one with you and your wife, I have learned more listening to you two than have done all my life going to church, faith is in your family can’t wait for the next one Andy and Maria Scotland uk


Thank you for this video! As a pastor who sees this, I appreciate your words and how the gospel has transformed you. I am preaching the same messages and praying it has an impact on my church and our community.


Thank you both for being obedient! There is someone on the other side of our obedience. 🙌🏼🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


This is a great topic! You are the first one I have seen cover the false gospels. This is an important topic - I thought I was saved because of that sinners prayer. Upon reading romans chapter 6 I understood what true salvation was. That passage is what saved me, I did complete turnaround.

A few nights later, I was filled with the Holy Spirit just like your guest. Soon after I brought it up with my preacher and called out that sinners prayer which was a bad idea. The backlash I received was pretty harsh and it was super sad as I believe that many in my church have played themselves. Every time I see the altar call my heart just fills up with sadness. What was discussed is what I see every week. It’s brutal, that sinners prayer in conjunction with the superficial self centred gospel has and will continue to send millions to hell.


So grateful for you guys! Lesley and I love you and bless you in Jesus name! ❤


Wow! This is amazing. I’m so excited that you’re doing this. What genuine true powerful faith you have!!! This is a blessed ministry!🩷


Eye Thank you two so much! Immediately I thought of verses Jeremiah 17:9 and Proverbs 17:20.


We really appreciate hearing from both of you again.


Never seen your podcast before but you guys are great! May God Bless! 😁


Regarding the part about believing in Jesus and hearing how the Demons also believe there is a huge difference in WHAT the object of the belief is. When WE, a person/sinner, is said to Believe in Jesus the belief is that Jesus will save us from our sins. It is not just saying we believe he exists. The word Believe in Acts 16:31 is clearly believing that Jesus is saving you from your sin. The Believe in James 2:19 is just believing in the existence of God and has nothing to do with Salvation. I'm only 13 mins in and it's clear that these people are going to preach a false Gospel also...


Praying for both of you. Response to the gospel is repentance (changing your mind) from unbelief to belief in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. Repenting of sins is works (Jonah 3) and we are not saved through works. Trust in Jesus and believe the gospel (Ephesians 1) and you are sealed with the Holy Spirit. The will of the father is to believe in Jesus


The Gospel
Romans 3:21-28

Therefore *by the deeds of the law* there shall no *flesh* be justified in his sight: for *by the law* is *the knowledge* of *sin.*
But now *the righteousness* of God *without the law* is *manifested, * being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Even the righteousness of God which is by *faith* of *Jesus Christ* unto *all* and *upon all them* that *believe:* for there is no difference:
For *all have sinned, * and come *short of* the *glory of God;*
Being *justified freely* by *his grace* through the *redemption that is in Christ Jesus:*
Whom God hath set forth *to be a propitiation* *through faith* in *his blood, * to declare *his righteousness* for the *remission of sins* that are past, through the forbearance of God;
To declare, I say, at this time *his righteousness:* that he might *be just, * and *the justifier of him* which *believeth in Jesus.*
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but *by the law of faith.*
Therefore we conclude that a man is *justified *by faith* without the deeds of the law.*

*Believe in Jesus as your Lord & Savior, you will be instantly born again on the other side of the veil, the holy spirit. Ultimately believe in Jesus by his "Life, death, burial, and resurrection." Not the Law that we call "The 10 Commandments", because Jesus fulfilled that law as our paid sacrifice so we can "get saved." Because nothing we "do" can save ourselves.* Paul wrote of this in Romans & goes over this in detail.

Therefore, if you truly believe. Jesus explicitly said what constitutes "Belief"...
Matthew 10:32-33
Whosoever therefore shall *confess me* before men, him will *I confess* also *before my Father* which is in heaven.
But whosoever shall *deny me* before men, him will *I also deny* before my Father which is in heaven.

Why "Sin" no longer matters for a *Believer.* Therefore, cannot rob a person of their "Salvation".
Galatians 3:22-26
But the scripture hath concluded *all* under *sin, * that the promise *by faith* of Jesus Christ might be given to them that *believe.*
But *before faith* came, we were *kept under the law, * shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
Wherefore *the law* was our *schoolmaster* to bring us unto *Christ, * that we might be *justified by faith.*
But after that faith is come, we are *no longer under a schoolmaster.*
For ye are *all* the children of God *by faith in Christ Jesus.*


The hits keep coming. At the 15 min mark... Still have not heard what the speakers believe is the "True" Gospel but I did hear the phrase "Repent of your sins". "Repent of your sins" is a phrase that is found nowhere in the bible and is another hall mark of a false gospel because the people who say it do not know what repent means. Repent simply means to "turn from". So these people will say -- Yes, it means turn from sin.... WRONG, Repent means to turn from unbelief to belief in Jesus for the remission of sins. And, again, this belief is not saying you believe Jesus exists but that Jesus has paid for your sins by dying on the cross.

Just to be clear... Turning from your sins = works. Jonah 3:10 "And God saw their WORKS, that they TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not."

And just to be clear -- WORKS does not save you. Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."


Guys it’s absolutely nothing wrong with leading someone to Christ prior to baptism, leading someone into what’s called the sinners prayer is awesome, let the Holy Spirit take the lead when sharing the gospel, once someone confesses Jesus is Lord, they’re saved according to Romans 10:9-10
