Discoverable Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Services in Clojure - Daniel Zurawski
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Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State for microservice architectures, including a demonstration of how you can build a discoverable Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Service in Clojure using bidi, liberator, halboy, hype and OpenTelemetry.
Daniel is a Senior Software Developer at Kroo, helping to build a new digital bank where money meets friends using Clojure. Previously Technical Lead at SuperAwesome (now part of Epic Games). Passionate about products & startups, functional programming, cloud infrastructure, and messy data.
Daniel is a Senior Software Developer at Kroo, helping to build a new digital bank where money meets friends using Clojure. Previously Technical Lead at SuperAwesome (now part of Epic Games). Passionate about products & startups, functional programming, cloud infrastructure, and messy data.
Discoverable Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Services in Clojure - Daniel Zurawski
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Get HATEOAS and Hypermedia right with Spring - Eugene Paraschiv @ Spring I/O 2016
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JAX London 2017 Session: Kai Tödter - RESTful Hypermedia APIs
LiveCast: Evolving Hypermedia
Documenting Hypermedia APIs | Nick Bradley | API the Docs London 2018
Testing APIs the Hypermedia way, Tomasz Pluskiewicz, Consultant @ Zazuko GmbH
#APIdays 'SOA and APIs : Fearless Lessons From The Field', by Mike Amundsen
Hadi Hariri — Embracing HTTP in the era of REST API's
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