I Beat Every Version Of Minecraft... In 2 Days

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In this video, I will beat every version of Minecraft in 2 days. All 20 Major Updates in less than 48 hours.

Since Minecraft's first release in 2011, Mojang has released 20 major updates that have brought tons of new mobs, materials, and tools to the game along with transformations to the mechanics, sounds, and textures. The game has changed A LOT, but I've never been able to experience it.

As a new Minecraft player, I have missed out on so much history of this game, which is why, today, I will travel back in time to complete every update we've seen, 1.0 - 1.19.

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If you like this video, I’m sure you’ll like All Advancements!


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I would call this a Minecraft All Versions Speedrun, but it's almost like a step up from RSG (Random Seed Glitchless) because the versions are random to me along with the seeds. For many of these runs, this is my first time ever playing minecraft on their versions.

Music from Epidemic Sound:
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00:00 Intro
01:44 1.18
05:40 1.0
14:04 1.13
18:00 1.3
20:45 1.14
22:46 1.1
26:23 1.2
28:12 1.17
29:51 1.10
34:16 1.8
36:48 1.9
40:06 1.16
45:53 1.15
48:45 1.4
50:56 1.5
52:53 1.6
54:32 1.11
58:40 1.7
01:02:08 1.12
01:05:36 1.19
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The way you explain how you feel out of place due to the small things is pretty much how I feel playing current minecraft while being used to the old versions 😅


The chills came in when the Subwoofer lullaby started playing. Minecraft came so far, man.


Ah yes. *The Old Classic . Real OGs will always remember this kind of content.


I wish you did the versions in order so we could see your reactions to each batch of new features in the same order they were released.

Other than that, another great video!


Man, this was nostalgic.. i started in 1.8 and just seeing you speedrun reminded me of every world ive abandoned mid play, on so many dif versions.. GG's and cheers to 1.19 👍


When you realize you’ve been playing Minecraft longer than a popular YouTuber, and he’s still a lot better than you :/


I started super early, I don't remember exactly which version because I was a kid...it was probably between 1.2 and 1.4. Also your 1.0 run immediately reminded me that you've never played a version without swimming, it's such an underappreciated feature!


him in 1.0 checking if he can make a shield was funny to me just because I'm a Minecraft historian, shields aren't added until 1.9, the combat update


As someone who has been playing since Infdev back in 2009 I feel out-of-place in newer versions still. So many different recipes I had to memorize that the crafting book felt like an insult at first... now it's a handy tool when I forget the newer things that I want to craft.
Edit: 3:26 You used music from SUSHI CAT??? That brings back memories


The first version i played was something like 1.5 or 1.6 and i was very happy cuz my uncle cracked the game and i played like crazy. The nostalgia i get from theese old versions is amazing


I just finished watching your "Getting all advancements in 100 days" video and the "Beating Minecraft without killing anything" video and I'm just gonna watch this one. I joined around 1.12-1.13 so I am also quite new, and I'll clearly enjoy this one as well! Keep up the amazing work!


Such an entertaining video, I felt so nostalgic seeing you experience the old updates for the first time


8:47 he was like 'i won't attack if you don't' then you attacked and he looks up with the most wide eyed betrayal 😂


These villagers and mobs literally living in the past. Still can't escape wandering villager. Hell is real


Mongo I've been waiting FOREVER for your content! Ever since that preview I thought of something big maybe like a whole new project, but I never thought of this! Hope you feel better now, keep up the amazing work!


This guy is BY FAR the most underrated YouTuber I've ever watched.


I remember when they added pistons. At the time it was revolutionary. Video’s very nostalgic


That intro nearly made me cry, so many memories attached to this game as a kid


I miss the old version, 1.0.0, The music, it was so beautiful, we didn't care that much back then, now, its a memory, historical, for us now, but then, it wasn't really anything special for us, now we look back and wish we could see it one more time, wish some of us can, but I am in bedrock, I used to play on Mac, I wish I could see it one more time. Don't take things for granted, we only have one chance, family, life etc etc... Life is like a game of chess.


Thank you for bringing all this nostalgia! I remember my first nether portal was made by pouring lava buckets in the ocean.
