How to configure AIO Boot to allow installation of Windows 10 through network

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AIO Boot makes it easy to set up Tiny PXE Server to allow installation of OSes including Windows 10 via network, eliminating needs to prepare for installation media (flash drive or DVD). Still, it was not a plug and play, so I am uploading this video for a reminder to myself. I hope it might help someone else.

Points to remember:
1. On the PC the Tiny PXE Server runs, create a second partition big enough to save AIO Boot and some OSes.
2. Make the second drive shareable.

AIO Boot
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when i got boot menu my keyboard and mouse stop working i have no idea why


With this method i have made linux live boot from server. However i want the linux to be installed on other pc's rather than running it live on network. I didn't find any option in this software


¿Cuántos equipos pueden bootear al mismo tiempo?
