61. Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman - Mark 7:24-30

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This woman wasn’t Jewish. She was clearly a Gentile. And the way that Jesus treated this woman may seem strange to us. Why didn’t he simply heal her daughter right away? It’s because Jesus wanted to teach his own disciples an important lesson about his love and mercy.

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I love this insight because I once thought that Jesus was calling her a dog and that she accepted it, but no. When I read it the Holy Spirit showed me that I was adding to the scripture. Jesus speaks of order, who is entitled to come to the table. The blessings of God is infinite provision, it is enough for all. He is not calling her a dog and she is not saying I am a dog. She is saying even a crumb of your blessing would more than enough to satisfy me. The dog was a metaphor for those perceived to not be children of God, but even a dog knows that the table is overflowing with provision and God is faithful to provide for all, even the lily in the garden. The woman is confident that Jesus will provide for her because of the nature of his provision, so she is persistent not as a beggar or a dog, but because of who JESUS is. He is the one who prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemy. My cup runneth over. It’s not about the dog it’s about the generosity of the one who prepares the table.


"His grace break through all human barriers" hallelujah. Thank you for this video


"Jesus breaks through any human barriers" His love and mercy is for everyone! Amen! 🙌✝️


I also see it as a woman being extremely humble. I think this story also shows how humble we should be. We shouldn't think we are so high and mighty or to automatically expect things from God. She basically was agreeing she was a dog. That's the type of humility and respect we should have.


“His grace breaks through all human barriers.” 🙏💕🤗❤️‍🩹


Thank you brother for another important video with a sincere message. God knows who needs to hear it. I am happy you preach the gospel in obedience and your joy is evidence of your salvation and a thankful heart. Thank you for your faithfulness.


Amen thank you for the wonderful insight and explanation. This always rubbed me the wrong way and didn’t understand why it seemed so cruel. 🙏🏽


Great short but important lesson! Another example involved Peter, he came to the right conclusion about God and who he accepts worshipping him. It had to be emphasized a few times to Peter but he finally got the point! In Acts 10 verses 34-35, "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men ( all ) from every nation who fear him and do what is right." Yes to restate the thought “ At this point Peter realized that God is not only the God of the Jews but also the God of the Gentiles. To display racism, favouritism within the church which Christ is the head, would be questioning God and that could only lead to our demise.


Very simple explanation thank you God bless you 🙏


Thank you for your video and your input it was lovely


Thank you for posting this, I have always been confused by this parable.

I suppose when reading the Bible it is important to consider who the anticipated audience is. I would not have guessed he was teaching a lesson to the disciples


Lord speak to me humble answers to answer the needy


Amen that is the grace and mercy of YAH.


I think the children represent the Jews and the dogs represent the gentiles, etc… The food being miracles, and how the Jews thought God’s miracles were reserved for them only, yet Jesus wanted to teach otherwise. And the woman replied even the dogs eat the scraps from underneath the table, the others receive miracles as well.


I love when its longer, your. Voice so nice God bless


Amen brothers and sisters our Father is Coming Soon.


This is the best explanation of this passage ive seen, even Pope Francis got it wrong, saying that Jesus at first actually HAD the same mindset of the apostles and truley wasnt going to answer her prayer but that she changed His mind. This is completwly wrong. Why is it so hard for people to take what they know of Jesus, that He is all loving and just and Divine, therefore does not make mistakes or do wrong and have to be corrected or have His mind changed or heart softened by others. Everything Jesus did was purposeful, and if He says something that confuses us, we need to taje it to prayer with what we already know of our Blessed Lord and ask for understanding. I would say also to be obedient to thw Church and what they say the Bible means, but we have a Pope who openly says Jesus is not thw only way to salvation, so we cannot trust his interpretation either. Listen to men who have shown good fruits. Also we need to keep in mind the culture then and how it differs from our own.
Anyway...thank you for this beautiful explanation of Christs deliberate choice of words and the lesson He was giving to those around, and the ultimate love amd mercy He showed this woman!


Jesus is the bread of life for those who don't get it


I believe it’s a riddle, a teaching, and a test. To see if she understood what her position was and she did. Jesus came to save the gentiles this was obviously clear to all, and she showed him her faith


Just curious. What if the woman had not responded as she did. Woukd Jesus have healed her daughter. What if she had kept quiet and let Him go?
