61. Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman - Mark 7:24-30

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This woman wasn’t Jewish. She was clearly a Gentile. And the way that Jesus treated this woman may seem strange to us. Why didn’t he simply heal her daughter right away? It’s because Jesus wanted to teach his own disciples an important lesson about his love and mercy.
61. Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman - Mark 7:24-30
Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman - James F. McGrath
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The Canaanite Woman
Devotional | Jesus Honors a Syrophoenician Woman | Mark 7:24-30 | Pastor Andy Ervin | 11-19-20
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The Syro-Phoenician Woman (Mark 7:24–30) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul
Unsung Heroines: The Syrophoenician Woman - Clayton Chan | March 22, 2020
Video 1- The Syrophoenician Woman (Woman#7 “Women Who Encountered Jesus”)
Encounters With Jesus: The Syrophoenician Woman - Mike Darbandi - 30 June 2019 (AM)
A Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith in Jesus
What Can We Learn From the Syrophoenician Woman? - Ask Pastor Tim
Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
The Canaanite woman a dog? explained by Origen
The Syrophoenician Woman's Faith
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The Faith of a Canaanite Woman - bible story | kids bible | sundayschool | newtestament
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A Gentile Woman's Demonised Daughter Healed. Matthew 15: 21-28