Esaret 5. Bölüm | Redemption Episode 5

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Redemption airs on Kanal 7 at 19.00 every weekday!
A duel of revenge and love.

On one side, there is Orhun, who is burning with revenge and his arrogance, on the other side, there is Hira, who is ready to take on the role that's been assigned to her even though she is innocent…
Orhun, the heir to the Demirhanlı family, and Hira, whom Orhun thinks killed his twin sister, keep their viewers glued to the screen with a love that is kneaded with vengeance.
As fate drags winds from the dessert to Istanbul; A proud woman and a victim are now on the same path. REDEMPTION has begun.
The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his sister, and Hira, who is the prisoner of her conscience, will soon air on Channel 7 with Redemption.
Channel: Kanal 7
Production: Karamel Yapım
Directors: Ayhan Özen - Serkan Mut
Mahassine Merabet
Cenk Torun
Hilal Anay
Ali Yağız Durmuş

#esaret #redemption #ecchorights
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" Translation of Ezaret's Episode 5 ( In English)

Orhun to Police: Whoever made the report made a big mistake. A huge mistake.
Police Officer: As a matter of procedure, we have to ask one more time, Mr. Orhun. Have you been injured by an employee?
Orhun: If I was hurt, you would have learned it from me, not anyone else.
Police: We apologize, then. There's been a mistake. We apologize for any inconvenience..
Orhun: Accompany the officers to the door.
The Police's Officer are leaving.
Afife: Orhun, what is the meaning of this?
Orhun: Not now, mother.
Orhun to Eda: Come with me.
Eda: I... Orhun....😁😁
Afife to Hira: Stop!!!
Orhun to Eda: What have you done? You called the police to my house?
Eda: Orhun, I.... when I saw you like that.... I was so worried 😏😏
Orhun: Who are you to get worried about me? It's not up to you. I didn't tell you to get out.😁 You're not walking out door without giving me an explanation.
Eda: Yes, I called the police. I called them. What should I have done? Should I have seen you hurt and kept quiet? Since that girl came to this Mansion, you haven't been the same old Orhun.I can't even talk to you now. You had a fght with Vedat because of her. Now you're scolding me like I'm a stranger. Asking me: Who are you? Who is that girl? ( The future wife 😍😍) Why is she so important to you?🙄😑
Orhun: I'm warning you for the last time. Stay out of my business . Never again. Now, you can leave.
Eda: Orhun,
Orhun: The conversation is over.
She leave the room.
Afife to Hira: I asked you a question. Did you injure Orhun? Is that true? Is that true? Don't keep silent. Answer me 😞😞
Butler to Hira: Follow me.
To be continued tomorrow because I'm going to sleep now. Good night 🌙🌛🌜


at least translate the whole episode into English..not just some clips to satisfy the curiosity of others..the Series has its international fans that need to understand..respect them PLZ!!! 🥺😥💔


Hira’s graceful display of her ability is blowing OrhunBey’s mind.


Performance of main lead is spell binding, back ground score is is shown as an intelligent man who can see through people around him...each and every actor is performing well....interesting series, waiting in anticipation for next episode.❤❤❤❤❤❤


She knows that he is the only one can protect her and his anger toward her is because he does not know the truth.


Love this series well played by the two lead actors i don’t understand Turkish but still watching i understand by their body language ❤️❤️


Yes, absolutely, please put English subtitles. I am very interested in watching this show.


Solo pido que sigan activando para subtitulos en español u otros idiomas x que somos varios seguidores de estas hermosas historias turcas


Orhunun aşık olduğu bölumleri sabrsızlıkla bekliyorum


Hira actually didn't deserve all of these pains


Dovrebbe durare di più la puntata, troppo bella questa serie, spero che la maggior parte delle scene sia tra loro due, e non su altre persone. C'è una serie nuova che sta avendo tanto successo sicuramente la chiave di tutto e che le scene due ore e mezzo sono concentrate sui protagonisti.Speriamo facciano lo stesso.


The confession of these two young, beatiful women was so touching..Watching a little girl hiding under the bed ...It was so sad..Is there anything worse then when children suffer ? Because of disease, wars, famine, violence against them or haos in their own family ...Unhappiness has many faces.. Orhun lost his father when he was a boy, he lost his sister too.. His good sister with big heart.. Hira lost her parents when she was five years old ..Then she became a slave ..And she is still a slave..Because she owes Orhun her life and slave has to pay off his debt..Orhun"s younger sister is inconsolable ..Eda loves a man who doesn"t love her..The pain and suffering as we all know make some people worse, that is why Orhun or Eda the way they are, but some other people their suffering makes them much better and stronger people..Such as Hira, the woman she just met, Orhun"s younger sister.. In a new promo we saw that our Ali finally comes . I hope they will be Hira"s friends..And Orhun"s sister, too.. I can not wait Monday to watch the next episode.Bravo for actors ! Bravo for wonderful story and wonderful music !


Estoy aprendiendo Turco con las series que no están en İnglés ni en Español, ya me aprendí el alfabeto, y cuando veo cada episodio, activo los subtítulos y busco las palabras en el traductor y las escribo en una libreta con su significado y me las aprendo cuando las vuelvo a escuchar ya más o menos se de que trata 🤭


Orhun👍👏👏 çok güzel oyuniyo rol yaşiyo orhun bravo


Podrían subtitular los capitulos ?estoy segura q van a seguir la serie muchos hispanos parlantes, somos millones los seguidores de las novelas turcas y esta en particular se la ve interesante y bien interpretada ….odio y no me gusta la violencia y el maltrato a ningún ser y estoy segura q pronto el odio dará paso al amor, ella es inocente ….q dolor de criatura


Ela estava com o dinheiro podia ter ido embora. Mas ela não conhece ninguém em Istambul. Encontrou aquele casal.Mas a mulher também é prisioneira.


After coming back to watch this again, Orhun wasn't aware why he wouldn't allow Hira to leave. He was never going to let her go.

The fact that Eda had to wonder why Orhun is acting the way he is speaks to how little she actually knows him.


Muy buena la novela ojalá como otros seguidores apoyo los comentarios esperando traducción por lo menos subtitulado en español soy de costa rica y ya he visto varias telenovelas turcas son demasiadas buenas he interesantes, se trata de mucha humillación, dolor pero es una de las realidades que pasan muchas servidumbres bonitas y jóvenes donde los millonarios creen tener el poder sobre los pobres, esto es para poder entender la sociedad de los millonarios, no todos tienen un buen corazón


I just started to watch this series, it is amazing all KARAMEL series have the same base, a innocent woman, a cruel violent man, at the end falling in love with abuser, a which mother in law, a jealous woman in family . The Moroccan actress is the best in this series better than the lead man, she is much much better than the Georgian dancer in Emanet, she is a beautiful woman .


Buenas tardes. No se que pasa en Turquía 🇹🇷 pero estoy aterrada con el nivel de violencia hacia las mujeres y es algo que no debemos tolerar y denunciar en cualquier parte del mundo y en cualquier nivel social donde ocurra. No a la Violencia Desde New York Ciao
