President-elect Joe Biden Delivers Remarks on the Affordable Care Act | LIVE | NowThis

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BIDEN SPEAKS AFTER SCOTUS HEARS OBAMACARE CASE: Moments ago, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could potentially overturn the Affordable Care Act. Early analysis of the oral arguments, which were made available to the public, finds that the conservative-leaning bench seems open to keeping most of the ACA intact and might only rule in favor of removing the individual mandate. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the 2012 decision upholding the law, told the Texas solicitor general arguing the GOP-led case that striking down the law completely is ‘frankly… not our job,’ and added ‘I think it’s hard for you to argue that Congress intended the entire act to fall if the mandate were struck down when the same Congress that lowered the penalty to zero did not even try to repeal the rest of the act.’

President-elect Joe Biden ran his campaign on protecting and expanding the Affordable Care Act, which he himself was instrumental in passing back in 2010. If it was to be fully overturned, more than 23 million Americans would be left without care, and protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions would be stripped. He is delivering remarks on his health care plan now.

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Рекомендации по теме

I don't understand why people in the states are against universal Healthcare.


At least healthcare is being mentioned. Wish it was President Bernie with Medicare for all tho.


Universal health care for every American, please. My cousin is mentally ill but cannot get treated due to the outrageous price.

Greetings from Europe.


for americans its "socialism" here in europe germany its humanity!!! even if a homeless go to the hospital hes covered! in america i saw a documentary and i was shocked when a father said: i have to make a choice, healthcare for me and my family or to send my boys later to the college!
this sounds beyond insane for us!!! here the school is free and the healthcare, i mean if you work then your company is paying it if not the country does! if you are good in school and you want to go the whole road down you can no matter who your parents are rich or poor!!! if you learn and if you want it you can go to be a professor or a doctor here no limits in usa all about the money SO SAD


Reporter: “How do you expect them to acknowledge you as president, if they won’t even acknowledge you as president elect?”

Biden: “They will”. And grin.

Boom shakalaka!!! Loving it!!!


Now THIS is how a US president is supposed to look


am i the first comment? well hello from Norway!


{If the Supreme Court struck down the Affordable care act, 20-30 millions of people will lose their health care plan, and this will lead to a recession.
The Obama care act allowed 20-30 Millions people to receive treatment, that lead to build hospitals, clinks, and hire people to run it, but if the Supreme Court struck down the Affordable care act, this will lead to close down many clinks, hospitals, and many people will lose their job in the health care field.
Also deleing the transition funds and resources for the president Joe Biden, will slow the recovery for the economy.}


Single payer health insurance for all please.


Fell asleep waiting, woke up to solo clap artist.


Can a conservative explain to me why Trump wants to repeal Obama Care? What’s the motive?


Someone was to lazy to just cut the first 27 minutes, lol...


That’s why I love Canada free healthcare


Please don't bring back the mandate. That was the absolute worst part of obamacare. For me to support a family of 4 it costs about $1, 500 a month JUST to have health INSURANCE....not healthCARE! Then I still gotta pay co-pays and everything is under the deductible by design....I've never once came anywhere near hitting my deductible. I only go to the doctor maybe 1x a year....all of us do.
I prefer to put $1, 500 a month in personal saving rather than an HSA. It adds up quick and I can put it towards the massive bills.


The Affordable Care Act should be called the Un-Affordanle Care Act .. I could never afford the premium they wanted me to pay ( Half of my fixed income from Social Security !☹️ Much less the $5000 dollar deductible ) .. American People want Single Payer health Care .. where you only pay a tax once a year ( sliding scale fee according to your income) .. M4ALL💖


Nobady asking about second stimulus chek....


I feel like having an old president like him will be like going to grandpas house on the weekend.


Should we be expecting an encore from President Elect Biden because your YouTube session is still active?


It does not declare yet!!! Don't forget that!!!


NO DECLARED WINNER YET, they are still counting.
