Finch & Violet - Before you go

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Movie: All the bright places (Netflix movie 2020)
Song: Lewis Capaldi - Before you go

thanks for watching, im not a video editor but i felt the song matched the movie perfectly so i had to give it a try. Remember to say i love you to your loved ones (:
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We maxed out the first one, so let's make another one! Hope you are all doing good and had an amazing summer! <3
Tell me how you feel today! No matter if this comment is 1 day or 1 year old - tell me! :)


"He was busy fixing me that he forgot to fix himself" that pains me a lot.


" You don't have to climb a mountain to stand on top of the world ". A quote I really like from this Movie .


In the cover of the book, it says "The story of a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die". Reread the book again today. Breaks my heart every single time. Fitting song.


He made her a better and happier person, he healed all the pain she went through by losing someone she loved so much just to put her through that pain all over again


*Lesson learned today* I'm a boy, and I went throught this, and this movie is the only movie I cried at, after Titanic, out of 100 movies.
I rewatched this movie 3 times already and I just realise how many signs Finch showed that he was the real depressive, in this movie.
"Because she smiled at me" - when he wrote on paper and puted it on wall, I wondered why did he wrote "Because". I realised now : "I'm not killing myself YET, because she smiled at me".
That's heartbreaking. I just thought he just did some dramatic "scuba" in his bathroom. He tried to see how much can he resist underwater, then tried again in the lake. And how it really feels. When he scared Violet.
At the end, his sister breaks his heart by calling his dad a shitty person who can't be changed and made him feel that he doesn't matter, cause Finch thought he was messy too, like his dad.
He said to Violet "My sister is all I have". His sister breaking his heart was his awakeness..
When Violet said "I was here", and Finch told ther he would steal this quote for him, that was a sign. A sign he wouldn't be there much time.
In the group consiliation when Amanda said she wanted to kill herself twice you can see his face. He looked amazed, he was going through same thing.
The saddest part is, his friends didn't know it. They thought it was only a dark mood. Finch always hesitated to be called "weird" (when he watched Violet at the table at school), cause it was heartbreaking for him. In reality, Finch didn't trust them and didn't take them as friends as they thought.
And many more.
Amanda asking him "Aren't you tired of people talking about you?". Like, that sounded so mean somehow. When you're depressed, you can understand this as a "Go do it already. Why are you even trying. Aren't you tired?".
*Love the people around you, no matter what. You know your people. Act when something is going on there, don't stop when they tell you. Love. Love them even if you're homies, besties, stop the gay shit or shamy things etc. Be there for everyone. Make them really think they're not alone*


"If you cannot say the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about others" this movie was just gorgeous


Don’t u ever just listen to sad music because it makes u feel better?


This song really fits them finch helped her get out of her shell but no one realised he needed help until it was too late


We don’t remember days, we remember moments ✨
Thank you Finch ❤️


I don't know why people always define love as sex. Love is so many things but sex is not one of them... Love is a spiritual connection.


"Because she smiled at me"💛💛💛


today, i found this unexpectedly
5 years ago, i found all the bright places in a thrift bookstore, i bought it
4 years ago, i met the guy who i never thought would change my life forever
3 years ago, we became a couple
2 years ago, he committed suicide and died.
1 year ago, as i was decluttering my things, i saw this book and realized i never touched it after i bought it, so after weeks of thinking if i'm ready to read it, i finally did

all the bright places is one of the story i would never forget. it will always have a place in my heart because I never related to a novel this much. It's like the book speaks our story-him and me. there's just so much similarities. here's some.

1. Finch was really tall. He was.
2. Finch had bipolar disorder. I have.
3. Finch runs. I walk.
4. They both like Virginia Woolf. I love Woolf.
5. Finch was smart. He was also.
6. Violet loves to write. I do too.
7. Finch was called freak. I was called weird.
8. Finch relax on bath tub. I- under shower.
9. Finch always had facts and trivia. He had facts and trivia too.
10. Finch painted his bedroom blue. I did too.
11. Finch had a long scar in his abdomen. He had one in his arm.
12. Finch had a safe place-in his closet. I-under my table.
13. Violet gave Finch a book as a birthday present. I gave him one too.
14. Finch almost always planned their trips. I did to.
15. Before Finch died, he and Violet we're together to celebrate his birthday. We were too before he died.
16. Finch went missing before he drowned himself in a lake. That's what i've been planning even before i knew this book.
17. Like Violet, I learned to live from a boy who wants to die and died.


This movie hit me in the most emotional way. I lost a friend to suicide a few days after watching this, then found a bookmark he had signed while we were in high school that said he “was here”. Then last week, I lost another friend the same exact way, and we are still finding his “I was Here” marks. Whether it be in the video games he played with my husband and other friends, or messages he sent. Both of them left such a big mark on this world... I just wish they would’ve realized that before they decided to leave it.


"we do not remember days, we remember moments" 💔


I can't stop crying over how beautiful life is. These movies have something special


"You are all the colors in one, at full brightness"- this quote touched my heart :)


"The world breaks everyone, and afterward some are strong at the brighter places"


Okay random stranger on the internet... My story time for whoever wants to listen.

Back in 2018 I fell in love with a girl. She matched me evenly and I honestly thought we won't ever change or ever grew apart. ATBP was her favourite book of all time (Besides Harry Potter of course), and we both associated with a lot of characteristics from Violet and Finch. ATBP became our little secret. The part of us that made us unique. I still remember reading the book to her on the beach. She had already finished the book at that time, but the ending was still a mystery to me. I loved reading to her and she loved being read to. We wrote quotes on all the adventures we went on to having. It was our special place. With her being a lot like Violet at the time, and me being a lot like Finch and what he has to deal with throughout the story, we always feared that (Spoiler alert) we would end up like both of them at the end of the novel. That Violet will have her own sticky note without the Finch. Only thing is, in this story it was not Finch that decided to go. She did. Right before we broke up, I decided to take on a new challenge for her. To learn Before You Go on my guitar (Check out Gareth Evans' lessons for this one, trust me). I didn't finish the song in time though. After the breakup, it was the thing that kept me going. A reason to go on. I finished the song and sent it to her, with the hopes of it sparking something again, as she loved to listen to me play... It didn't

A year and 3 months after she left me, I am still constantly reminded of her. Songs, quotes, notes she left on my computer. And then at very strange times I would get a YouTube recommendation like this one. One where two of the most significant pieces of my past that held the most pain would come together and pop up on my recommendation screen out of nowhere.

Btw, she didn't want to watch the movie, as it would spoil the visuals she created in her mind from the book. I thought it was a solid watch, but nowhere near to what Jennifer Niven depicted in her novel

Thanks for reading. Sometimes I just want to vent a little :)

Enjoy your life, strange companion


The first time I watched this movie, I stayed up all night til dawn, crying and thinking of the pain they both went through. It really pains me to think that some of us (in reality) really go through those type of things. So if you know someone going through these hard times/pains, check on them, remind them of their importance in your life. Also, don't be too busy checking on others that you forgot to check on yourself, take care my dear, know that no matter what, someone somewhere loves you, and there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

To anyone who needs this: Hold on, continue to have faith and hope, life can get crazy but there's still a lot of amazing things out there for you 💚💚💚
