Quantum Frontiers Lecture: Don Eigler of IBM
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IQC launched its Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture Series on April 1, 2011, with a fascinating, filled-to-capacity talk by nanotechnology pioneer Don Eigler. A fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Centre, Eigler is widely known for having spelled out I-B-M using 35 individual atoms of xenon. Eigler's lecture, co-presented by the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology and CIFAR, explored how researchers are working to build and operate atomic-scale logic circuits that perform computation using only the spin degree of freedom.
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Twitter: @quantumIQC
More info:
Twitter: @quantumIQC
Quantum Frontiers Lecture: Don Eigler of IBM
University of Warwick Honoary Graduate Dr Don Eigler
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