Zombie Werewolf Vampire Ghost

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I'm not stealing this comic. I'm... plagiarizing it!
But what does happen, if a werewolf bites a vampire?
Do they turn into werewolfs and lose their vampirism or do they turn into werepires or will they become human again?
And what about zombies?! I mean zombies are undead and so are vampires, does it stack up or not?!
And werewolfs don't count as undead, so how does that work, AND....

Where was I again?

Original comic was made by TheOdd1sOut.
Рекомендации по теме

Wolfpiric Zomgiest - a legendary werewolf-vampire-zombie-ghost hybrid creature, hunts under the full moon for blood and brains; has the ability to transform into a ghostlike vampire bat and can phase through walls, leaving behind it a trail of ectoplasmic blood


You know the ghost could've slimed him in the mouth so he'd accidentally swallow the ectoplasm and then become part ghost...🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
