What Do You DO with All Your Junk Journals?? | JB Answers Junk Journal Overload, Confusion, Creating

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'But Jennibellie what do you actually DO with all of those junk journals once you've made them?' ....

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................................In short CREATE YO JOURNALS ALREADY!!

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This is a quick one created on the fly but next weeks video on 'ways to fill your journals' is gonna be a WHOPPER (with loads of looks inside my own private journals), so be sure to hit the notifications bell so you don't miss out on that 😀


I enjoy the book creating process far more than I enjoy filling them...and I'm ok with that. They looks so pretty, the ones that I keep. Many times I give them to friends who do love to fill them.


It is odd how we have a need to justify the art we make. I always say I do not know why I am making “whatever it is” as I have no idea what I will ever do with it. The drive to create is innate in so many of us. We need to let go of the guilts and justifications.


I make journals because it’s fun! 😃 I don’t really need any other reason. Love your videos! 💜🌟


Oh, thank you! I needed to hear this... "give yourself permission to create the journal without obligation to fill it/Use it".  
"If you want to creat it, that's reason enough... "... 
thank you!!!!


Thank you for your thoughts. I began making junk journals during Covid lockdown as a change from Scrapbooking. Fell in love with it, made them all out of recycled items and bits of scrapbook paper. Two I gave to family members who love and use them, another I will gift to a friend with dementia who only remembers the past. I hope this will give her something tactile to finger and maybe even write in. I don't journal myself, which is interesting as I used to be a prolific letter writer, I just love the creativity of making them with all the paper dying, using scraps of anything and I see them as a piece of my craft artwork.


I make my junk Journals with memories. Things that my kids and grandkids we brought together or not I put in my Journals and some of the tags from those items are so adorable and packaging are so cute . I also put things in my Journals of things we like and things that reminds me of that special day. All papers are recycled that are from my kids school days . I don't have much to leave my kids, but these junk Journals I made from my hands is all I have to give my kids when I pass on. They are my memory junk Journals. So I thank you jennibellie for giving me the idea of my memory junk Journals. I've been a subscriber since 2011 and I enjoy and love your art and your ideas of recycling. Thank you.


GIrl. Thank you so much! I was thinking, "It's pointless to make these journals if they're not being 'functional'. You gave me the permission to JUST MAKE THEM. I love that! Do it for the process, right? Following you now ;)


This is great! I love to use my gel print plate to make the papers, but I have no use for the papers once they're made. I stopped making prints for two months, feeling torn, guilty, I dunno what all -- then I went back to the gel plate! I may donate the papers to a nearby elementary school, or to my grandkids, but it's the MAKING of the prints that I like!


Yes PLEASE Jennibelie, we WOULD LOVE to see the 2022 making of the journal. I think I NEED to see that video. Thank you for this very informative and also for explaining that not filling the journal is NOT that necessary, just the joy of crafting a journal is enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel much better now. Blessings and hugs from C ape Town Diana


I made a travel journal for my sister's recent trip abroad. It was hard to let go of because I enjoyed looking through it and seeing all the fun creative effects I put into it. They really are pieces of art in and of themselves!


I made the 2022 Journal and love it. So pretty with the ribbons and I’m going to do art work in mine. But I do have journals that I just have on display and my friends enjoy looking at them. Make them for friends who want one. I just enjoy the process. Life is too short not to have a fun and enjoyable hobby. Thank you for your wonderful videos.


I’m one that struggles with the “purpose” of the journals I make. I enjoy making them, but knowing I won’t use it does prevent me from creating them, because I know I won’t use them in the common sense of the term, I feel like it’s a waste of time and space and materials etc, even though I tell myself it’s not and it’s ok to not fill them. It is really tough, and I think it’s partly the society we live in currently, it feels like we have to make the best use of every moment, and so to create something without a use or purpose seems like bad use of those precious moments, when actually creating and being happy is a fantastic use of that time ! 🙈😂


I sometimes think I am a collector of journals - some I've made, some bought. As a procrastinator, I collect them much quicker than I fill them 😄
Thanks for the video, always enjoy what you share 💕


Thanks for say it out loud because seems that it has to be mandatory to 'use' all our journals and is not necessary. Thanks again for your words. Kisses from Spain!😘


Yes! Create for the process of creation. You've taught us that so much over the years. I'd love to see the inside of your 2022 journal. ❤ ~Maureen


I've made several journals and all are unfilled. Don't know, if I'll ever use them. But, I love looking through them and show them off to family and friends. Quite a few people, think I should sell them. But, I'm not sure, if I want to let them go. They're my children!!! It's nice to see how much I've improved, thru the years with each journal I've created. They look awesome on my bookshelf and dresser. Journals make beautiful


Thank you for helping me not feel guilty about the time I spend on my journal making! 🤗


It is true that making a junk journal is for fun; to create, to play, to use imagination, to have a good time; but also we could use it as a typical notebook for different uses in our pocket, as a book of recipes, as an album with footnotes, as a book of collection, as a diary, etc. I think we could decide the use we are going to give our junk jounal, according to the ornaments and textures we added in it, along with our needs and likes.


Thank you. I just like to make things, it gives me joy and that's enough. I recently went through a health crises for a year and a half and I crocheted and sewed blankets. It gave me peace and was something I could do, I just stacked them up with no concerns. When I was recovered my daughter helped me sort all 22 of them and she and her sister each kept 3, we gave some away to friends and family who supported me during my illness and we gave the rest to a homeless shelter.
