DREAMS - A JEWISH PERSPECTIVE – Rabbi Michael Skobac – Jews for Judaism

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We need Rabbi like him its simplicity and direct words.i don't care what sect or organization he is affiliated i like this dude


Todah raba for this great video Rav Skobac :D Please continue recording your shiurim (lessons).


Thank you Rabbi Skobac for this teaching. I have had many, many dreams in my life in which I feel Hashem, blessed is He, has spoken to me. I have seen the results later, therefore, I realize that it was Him telling me the next step to take, and what he had in mind for me. I love my G-d, blessed is He, and all I want is to serve him and live my life according to his teachings. He is real! B"H


i got dreams form from high school...that an old woman chase me but i when i try to run my legs feels very heavy, and after that i see a snake...its very scary dreams for me its come many times...untill i ask G-d what this dreams means? because i dont know...then G-d explain the Old Woman is your religion and the snake is the lies come with her...after that i left my religion "christianity"...and you know what happen ? the dream that always haunt me for 10 years just stop!!!...now i believer in G-d of israel and become a jew back to the truth


Todah raba Rabi had many dreams over the years left wondering what it could


Isn't there a prayer you say after you just had a really terrible dream?
Doesn't the Gemara say..(somewhere) that if you have a bad dream 3 nights in a row you should fast.


Very disappointing. About 34 minutes into the video the Rabbi makes a simple but gravely misleading error. He attempts to prove that Jesus and Mary are false gods but his so-called proof is hollow. He says that the numerical value of the phrase "The false gods of the earth, " from Deut.31:16. is 606 and that this is the exact numerical value of Yeshua and Mary. Firstly, the numerical value of the Deut. text is not 606 but 612. Secondly, there is no way that it is possible to calculate the names Jesus and Mary to arrive at the same figure. I've tried all the ways possible: Yeshua and Miriam = 842. Yeshu and Miriam = 772.
Yeshu and Mary = 572. Yeshua and Mary = 642.

This leads to one of two conclusions, either both the Rabbis are spinning a yarn in order to keep a gullible audience from entertaining the idea that Yeshua may be who the Bible says He is. Or else neither of them can add up. One other thought, if the original Rabbi truly heard from an angel then the garbled message is a clear indication that this angel was NOT from G-d but from elsewhere. I am very disappointed in Rabbi Skobac.
