These are NOT Lightsabers: 40k Power Swords

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In this tutorial Jay goes over Warhammer 40k Power Weapons and why you shouldn't paint them like Lightsabers! We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! We're streaming Monday-Saturday starting at 9PM CST!! JOIN USSSS! Thanks for watching!

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Intro Animation By: Liqerise

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I love this channel. Jay gives a straight to the point no bs tutorial on power weapons, with a charming intro, in under 4 minutes


I mean, I guess it’s “legends” content now but ancient pre-lightsaber force weapons were steel swords with force energy arcing over them and are apparently able to stand up against “modern” lightsabers and some are “better” (usually because their association with the dark side etc)


While the lightning crackle paint looks good, your paint looks a lot more eye catching, especially from a tabletop distance.


Oh I was just considering how to improve my Krieg power saber, I may have to try this as it would really elevate the sargent to the next level - thanks Jay!


My left arm was numb and useless. I threw myself to my feet, pulling my sword from my webbing. The device is a fine weapon, of the old kind. It has no material blade like other, cruder models I have seen. It is a hilt, twenty centimetres long, inlaid and wound with silver thread, enclosing a fusion cell that generates a metre-long blade of coherent light.

From Xenos (Eisenhorn trilogy).


1:16 I also suspect that chain swords and chain axes might have small disrupter fields in them to help with their cutting as a “budget” power weapon.


Just tried to apply this technique to the comparatively plain sword I was originally going to have, thanks 👍


Man, succinct and easy to follow, I can actually see this helping me painting. Huge props


You make it look easy! Awesome results as usual!


I feel called out. Time to step up my game!


Good stuff! I’m gonna try this, but power swords should always match Mountain flavors if you ask me. Gonna try for Baja Blast first! 😎. My old method was to splatter Aethermatic Blue contrast over leadbelcher 🤷‍♂️


Considering that a power sword emits a molecular disruptor along the edge of its blade would easily bypass the containment field of a lightsaber if anything else where all it does is become a flashlight fight where as long as the individual isn’t hit then it should be okay, although with a lightsaber being blade less means that it’s far more maneuverable than a power sword having a 360 attack radius rather than the backwards or forwards motions of a power sword, but that’s also excluding other variables such as the force and things like secondary weapons for the space marine such as say a plasma pistol or bolt pistol and whilst a Jedi might have super natural speed and even foresight still won’t change the fact that a bunch of regular men with blasters were able to effectively take out a Jedi a squad of guardsmen who’s closest example would be the eldar, would still fall to a hail of lasbolts and whether or not a lightsaber can deflect a laser is uncertain as the jedis plot armor, and considering that the standard loadout for a space marine is power sword and bolter it’s not unfair to say that the Jedi would simply die due to the bolter or amount of shrapnel flying in his direction and even though bolters or bolt rounds are grossly over exaggerated a hail of bolter shrapnel isn’t great and considering that a Jedi can at best focus on one thing at a time ie fight or use the force to stop shrapnel from flying into them


Wow this seems like a super simple way of doing a crazy good looking paint job


I'm just here to say I'm really happy I found Aeons of battle and that I love models and memories. I put it on to fall asleep and rewatch it the next day.


Back in the day I always used the old plasma ball lightning paint job, but those are some eye-catching swords, I may give that a shot next time I have a Slaaneshi with a power weapon on the workbench. (I always liked to imagine the power field not so much 'pushing matter aside' as causing any matter it touched to violently explode, that seemed like how a 40k lightsaber would work - less cauterised wounds, more eruptions of shrapnel and gore.)


If memory serves there are incredibly rare powerswords that are just a hilt and have a lightsaber style blade that is purely made of disruptor field that emerges when the blade is activated. I think Inquisitor Eisenhorn had one initially.


might try this on my Dred Knights blade using Black 3.0


Great vid and thanks for the painting tip.


Sounds like a combination of an obsidian blade and a vibroblade, truly a terrifying combination.


I just give it an Iron Warriors base coat and just go over it with some Turbo Dork color shift paint. I don't care if it's a smoothbrain technique, I like the way it looks lol
