Paint Your Own Way: How I Paint More Miniatures

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In this random video I'll be discussing a few things that were holding me back from painting different types of miniatures.

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"I can't paint them the way I want because the Internet is full of Arsehats." Eff that, paint them the way you want.


Great video. There are so many mental blocks we can self-impose that get in the way. Everything needs to be perfect before brush can touch paint.

I find it hard to motivate myself unless there's an endgoal such as getting them on the table. I find it counter-intuitive because that's a mountain of plastic before you get the "reward".


Well said. Apart from a few games when my eldest son was a kid [he's 40 this year] I've never played the games but have bought and painted minis for years. Now returning to mini painting after a decade and more break, that's the part I enjoy and I never feel once ounce of guilt 😁 Your Blood Angels look fabulous by the way )O(


I've played warhammer in all iterations since 93'. I'm now a father of 3 and haven't played a game in about 4 years, warhammer is a hobby it's okay to dip in and out of hobby and gaming and enjoy it all


Very beatiful blood angels! Play BA since 2nd edition


It's a hobby. It's supposed to be fun. When you get away from the fun, something is going wrong :)

Do what is fun for you.


In response to 0:30. I have an after school war gaming club and in the last 10 years I have played exactly two games. The rest of my time is spent teaching rules basics and teaching how to build and paint.


Paint one, just one mini to look like a blood angle as drawn by John Blanch, then paint one more that should be in a game of Mork Borg, then paint one in a metallic grey scale and then airbrush thinned testers red enamel paint over it so that you can just barely make out all that previous work and then use actual gold leaf to cover all it's decorative bits, then paint one with glasses that make you red/green color blind and force yourself to pick your paints by eye without reading the labels, and then paint one with a Zorn pallet, then do something strange.


Imagine how utterly boring the art world would be if all artists had to paint or sculpt in the style of someone that was considered 'orthodox'.


1. don't chase the meta
2. fight back against FOMO
3. the rule of cool - ALWAYS go with what you like/enjoy


2 things: models are patient and will wait for you to paint so don't feel pressured. Also, in 40k the 'information' is often wrong and inaccurate. OK for blood angels yes there's red, but nothing saying YOUR specific veteran squad haven't done something or earned some honour (or shame) that means their shoulderpads are white. Maybe they are of especially 'pure' geneseed and this honour is represented by the white.
As an example Night Lords are blue but some have red hands as a mark of shame. Also also blood angels aren't exactly 100% Ultramarines Straight-laced codex compliant so even more 'lore' reason to do what you want! Never let 'the right way' stand in the way of coolness and creativity!


Someone asked me if Salamanders use black helmets for veterans. I answered I don't know. I just use black for veterans and orange for seargents and green for normal... because I just like how it looks.


Do your own thing. The 4 armies I made are as follows ( keep in mind ea army ranges from 6k to 8k in points ea)
Imperial heralds before they became word bearers
War hounds before they became world eaters
War born before they became ultra marines
And 22nd nemesis chapter 30k version
And I recently started making a black shields army


I am a gigantic nerd when it comes to heraldry and isignias, but the thing is is that I do that for myself and I dont hold up anyone else to those rules since again, I simply enjoy researching and getting all my squads and units marked just right.

I did however one time, for no other reason than to mess with a good friend tell him his terminators lacked xyz colours and squad markings, I did it as a joke and we had a good laugh about it


I paint sisters of battle. Right at the start i considered painting a big ordo....but then i realised it'd be cooler if i just make my own order for them. So instead of boring black and red, or red and white, or red and...
I now have a purple armour, gold robes sister ordo and they look great.
Still need a name for the order though....But ive told myself i can figure it out once i get to 1k points xD


Thanks, I struggle to do this...but the more people talk about it, the more it helps me reverse the many years of overpowering attitudes of you must adhere to the lore...any deviation is wrong. I still feel the need to come up with reasons and background for my armies, because some people are scary and almost seem to sniff out lore divergent people.


Like you said, they are your models bought and paid for, so whatever floats your boat, go for it, as everyone has their own ideas of what colours to use and so what if they are not a recognised chapter?


I never game. I really don’t even like the modern game. I love the new minis and the lore though.


You paint them, then ship them to me (for free) and I'll play them. We could be the perfect team:)
