Top 10 Biggest Cattle Breeds In The World - Biggest Cows & Bulls!

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They say size matters but does it? Well, there are different ideas on this so let’s not discuss all of that and restrict ourselves to cattle. Now why do people domesticate cattle? While there can be many reasons for this, the two major are milk and meat production. Keeping this in mind, you’d OBVIOUSLY prefer the larger breed because hello, more meat!

Now before you run to get the biggest of them all, remember that they have their own limitations and each one is suitable to different climates and needs. So are you ready to scrutinize the biggest cattle breeds?

Number 10. Bazadaise
This French breed of beef cattle takes its name from the town of Bazas in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of south-western France.

Number 9. Limousin
Named after the Limousin region of France where this breed originated, the Limousin cattle are a breed of highly muscled beef cattle.

Number 8. Parthenaise
Formerly a triple-purpose breed, raised for milk, meat and draught work, the French cattle, Parthenaise is now raised mainly for beef.

Number 7. Montbéliarde
These red and white pied cattle breed from the Montbéliard region of France is used mainly for dairying and particularly for cheesemaking.

Number 6. German Angus
This German breed of cattle came into existence as a result of cross breeding Aberdeen Angus with different native German cattle breeds like German Black Pied Cattle, Gelbvieh, and Fleckvieh.

Number 5. Belgian Blue
It’s time for a special mention and Belgian Blue is our pick! These beef cattle from Belgium have an extremely lean, hyper-sculpted, ultra-muscular physique which is termed as “double-muscling”.

Number 4. Glan
This traditional cattle breed is particularly found in the Rhineland-Palatinate region of Germany.

Number 3. Maine-Anjou
This French breed of domestic cattle, Maine-Anjou was created in the nineteenth century by cross-breeding the local Mancelle dairy cattle with Durham stock from Britain.

Number 2. South Devon
The largest of the British native breeds, South Devon have descended from the large red cattle of Normandy.

Number 1. Chianina
Originated in Italy, Chianina is found in different parts of the world today.

Which of these cattle breeds fascinated you the most?

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The speaker is very clear enough and easy to be understood even for non english language people


My uncle used to raise chianina in East Texas in the 80s. They are huge!!


That Belgian blue looks like it lives in a gym not the farm


The real best beef breed is a herferd-angus mix. Extremely tame, naturally comes without horns, day old calves are light, very easy to move around (pretty much just give them a push, or if you're their primary caretaker they'll follow you around most the time), the bull are as tame as they'll get, you can approach one and pet it without problems, but they do get protective during calving and keep the other cows away as the female gives birth. Lots more positive things to say, only negative thing is that they're too curious. Getting to the other side of the fence if given a chance. But they make the best beef you can ask for.


The Chianina is my favorite just because it’s so massive! Fun little video


"Two major things are milk and meat production!"

Vegan teacher: I'll send u back to gulag


The descriptions of the French breeds are pretty accurate. Well-done. Spelling: it's Aquitaine and Charolais. There are several other French breeds worthy of note, especially the Vosgienne, which almost disappeared, but was rescued. Its milk is used for the best French Munster cheese. You can always spot one easily because they have a broad white band stretching down the middle of their back.


0:22 is actually incorrect. Smaller breeds are more efficient milk producers as less energy is required for maintenance, and more energy can go towards milk production than it would in larger breeds. Live weight actually has a negative weighting in New Zealand breeding indexes


How did youtube get me here at 2am, dont regret a thing


Um... Correct me if I’m wrong but if the cattle breed was extinct.... That means there was none left... So I’m not understanding how they were once extinct, but are not extinct now.


1- Belgian blue for lean meat and utlra mascular body that looks really awesome
2- chainina for its height weight and growth rate is really impressive!!!


1st is sibi cattle breed that are in pakistan only they are the tallest and the heaviest bull in the world
Proud to be pakistani PAKISTAN ZINDABAD


We got a lot of belgian blues in the modern fitness industry


Very informative video and the most amazing breeds i saw for the first time.
Keep making this kinda interesting stuff.


Chianina looks like when a horse and cow had a baby!


You really need to see the gaint cows and bulls in Pakistan


I've owned Chianina. You can tell that they are an old, old, pure strain. They think more like a deer than a cow. They are very smart and quick to react. They have low birth weight calves and are excellent mothers and good milkers. Sometimes they are too good of mothers and will fight you when you have to mess with the calf. I've even had them claim new calves that weren't theirs. For my money though, they are too smart for my own good and are too damn tall. Their first instinct is to jump the nearest fence. Good luck stopping her.


*intro shows*

Other: **Laughs**



this is only for Taurus type Western varieties
Asian zebu varieties such as bhagnari Brahman nelore aren't mentioned


that belgian blue looks like a bull on steroids
