Units of History - The Varangian Guard DOCUMENTARY

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In this animated history documentary we explore one the most famous units of history: the Varangian Guard. The video begins with a brief history on the Rise of the Byzantine Empire which followed the fall of Rome. We focus specifically on the dynamics of the eastern Roman Empire which interacted quite heavily with the lands of Scandinavia and the Kievan Rus by way of the river routes which linked the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea. The documentary discusses the history of the Byzantine conflicts with the Kievan Rus which gave rise to the eventual mercenary service of Varangians in the Byzantine army.

We then lay the ground work for this discussion by looking at the organization of the Byzantine Army and its mercenary corps known as the "Hetairai". Starting around the end of the 9th century, the first warbands of Varangians would make their way into its ranks. However it would be in 989 AD when they came in full force, 6,000 Varangians sailing south to assist Emperor Basil II.

We discuss how future Varangians would make their way into Byzantine Service and the sorts of ways they would be used by the Emperors. This covers both civil and military service. Next we cover what the equipment of the Varangian Guard as well as the tactics of the Varangians in battle. Finally we conclude with a service history of the Varangian Guard over the Rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire. They fought many foes such as the Seljuks, the Bulgars, the Normans, the Pechenegs, and more. This includes key battles such as the Battle of Manzikert and the Siege of Constantinople during the 4th Crusade.

Sources and Suggested Reading:
"The Varangian Guard 988-1453 (Men-at-Arms)" by Raffaele D'Amato
"Byzantium: The Apogee" by John Julius Norwich
"Harald Hadrada: The Warrior’s Way" by John Marsden

Research: Sophia Ware
Script: Sophia Ware
Narration: Guy Michaels
Artwork: Penta Limited

Рекомендации по теме

These guys are everything the Praetorian Guard should have been.


Fun fact: Some Saxon veterans who survived the battle of Hastings ended up joining the Varangian Guard.


Fun fact: they've found runic inscriptions(the Vikings written language) in hagia Sophia and other buildings from Constantinople. When some of the inscriptions were translated it turned out to be just banter. Things like "Ragnar slept with froya" or "Grim smells"


My favourite story about the varangians is the one on the skylitz chronical.

A Thracesian woman was assaulted by a varangian and she killed him with his own spear. Other varangians came up to her and offered the dead varangians personal belongings and praised her.


And to think we could have gotten this a week earlier, but it wouldn't have been nearly as awesome or in depth. Thanks Invicta for asking the fans about what to do with this video.


The Varangian DID NOT took the tattooing custom from the Turk!!!! Tattooing was a general practice for at least 1000 years, as Celts, Germans, Pictae, Dacians/Getae were tattooing themselfs.


It must have been amazing to have been a Norse adventurer and seeing Constantinople for the first time.
You’ve only heard about some mythical city that is pure paradise with everything you’d ever want in life, so you take a risk and make the journey there to find out the stories where true.
Straight out of a fantasy novel and I love it. Kinda wish there was a historical fiction show or movie about a simple Norse man going through trials and tribulations to reach the city perhaps after falling on bad times.


You forgot to mention the "Greece runestones". There are about 30 of them in Sweden, and were made in memory of members of the Varangian Guard who never returned home, or men who returned with great wealth. It is very interesting reading them, gives you a more personal aspect for these men.


Coming here to learn more for the new For Honor hero coming out


The Varangian Guard is what the Praetorian Guard wishes they could’ve been.


Harald Hardrada raided from Sicily to Mesopotamia, became increasingly famous, and according to his saga, empress Zoe wanted to marry him. However, upon his refusal she ordered him to be jailed on false accusations of misuse of imperial property.
Harald then gathered his loyal men and sailed down the Golden Horn, but the giant chain closing the channel was raised - and no ship had ever managed to cross it. Harald then ordered his men to pick up their belongings and go to the back of the ship. With all the weight on its stern, the galley tilted, the bow lifting upwards, and it managed to cross over the chains. Essentially performing the equivalent of a wheeling.


In 1404 axe bearing British warriors in the military were mentioned by the Byzantine Emperor and in the 1300s there are many references to Varangians serving as guardsmen. Whilst they were no longer a large battlefield force in the 1400s they still remained as Palace guards and a regiment of the guard (mentioned in the kantakouzenos) We can assume to some degree that there were Varangians present in 1453.


Constantinople was the center of the world at that time. Other cities seemed to date from the stone age, next to Constantinople. Constantinople at that time adorned the dreams of mankind. I can't imagine how surprised the Varangians guards were when they first saw Constantinople.


Around thirty runestones that contain information regarding the voyages that were made by Norsemen to the byzantine empire managed to survive and were found in Sweden. Most of those runestones are in memory of members of the Varangian Guard who never returned home. Such as these:
"Folkmarr had this stone raised in memory of Folkbjörn, his son. He also met his end among the Greeks. May God help his spirit and soul."[62]
"... had this stone erected in memory of ... ... He fell in Greece. May God help (his) soul."[65]
"Tófa and Hemingr had this stone erected in memory of Gunnarr, their son, and ... He died abroad among the Greeks. May God and God's mother help his soul."[67]
"Guðrún raised the stone in memory of Heðinn; (he) was Sveinn's nephew. He was in Greece, divided (up) gold. May Christ help Christians' spirits."[122]
"Vésteinn, Agmundr (and) Guðvér, they raised the stone in memory of Báulfr, their father, a Þegn of strength. He was with the Greeks; then died with them(?) / at ⟨þum⟩."[125]
"These landmarks are made in memory of Inga's sons. She came to inherit from them, but these brothers—Gerðarr and his brothers—came to inherit from her. They died in Greece."
"Þorsteinn let make the landmark after Sveinn, his father, and Þórir, his brother. They were out to Greece. And after Ingiþóra, his mother. Œpir carved."
Kárr had this stone raised in memory of Haursi(?), his father; and in memory of his kinsman-by-marriage. (He) travelled competently; earned wealth abroad in Greece for his heir."[80]
"Ingimundr and Þórðr (and) Jarl and Vígbjôrn(?) had the stone raised in memory of Ingifastr, their father, a captain who travelled abroad to Greece, Ióni's(?) son; and in memory of Ígulbjôrn. And Œpir carved."[84]
"Steinhildr had this stone erected in memory of Viðbjôrn, her husband, a traveller to Greece. May God and God's mother help his soul. Ásmundr Kári' son marked."[92]
§Q "Ljótr the captain erected this stone in memory of his sons. He who perished abroad was called Áki. (He) steered a cargo-ship; he came to Greece. Hefnir died at home ... ... cut the runes ..."[99]
"Fastvé had the stone raised in memory of Gerðarr and Ótryggr, her sons. The other (= the latter) died in Greece."[104]


"The Greece runestones (Swedish: Greklandsstenarna) are about 30 runestones containing information related to voyages made by Norsemen to the Byzantine Empire. They were made during the Viking Age until about 1100 and were engraved in the Old Norse language with Scandinavian runes." "On these runestones the word Grikkland ("GREECE") appears in three inscriptions, [1] the word Grikk(j)ar ("GREEKS") appears in 25 inscriptions, [2] two stones refer to men as grikkfari ("traveller to Greece")[3] and one stone refers to Grikkhafnir ("Greek harbours").[4] ."


Death: It’s time to go
Varangians: Wait! Tell me… was I a good guard?
Death…you were, and still are, the best.


*40 minutes of Invicta talking about the most badass Byza-Bois??*
*It’s like Christmas, but better* 🥲


When the Greeks first saw them within the city walls, they called them barbarians, drunks, unruly and lacking culture. But in time, they proved to be very loyal to the Emperor. These Vikings would return to Scandinavia with wild stories of riches and Greek culture. So many Vikings were taking off for Greece that some rulers tried implementing laws to strip them of property if they took off rather than stay at home with their community to tend the land and defend it.


The segment about their equipment was amazing, but I can't help imagining how horrifying it would be to fight such a man. He towers over you, wearing so much armor you have no hope of hurting him, wielding big weapons with beastial ferocity.


Harald Hardrada was a huge warrior, towering over 2 meters. His half brother was called Olaf «the huge» before he became known as Olaf «the saint».
