everyone supported Xiumin but Lay Zhang ❤️ #weareone #exo

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I will just say one thing after going through so many comments, that it's xiumin first solo project and everyone knows how quiet he is the members help him more so he can be comfortable and interact more. We don't know the story behind the camera so I can't say what they think and for support, but if some argue about members being not close then what about *WE* while comparing exo solo song some have great view and success while other songs are underrated .. we should also show the same support to each member like you want from exo .. but in the end it doesn't matter right the number, the view the count, that because it's also SNS you can't count and say exol is not hardworking same will go to exo right just because there is not post and mention of certain members it does not mean they are not close.. like sehun and Kai have 0 following but that doesn't means they don't support other members we can't jude anyone by just SNS and about mentioning lay we know how k netizen react they don't even stan ot9 and 8 for them it's ot6 they don't even like chanyeol, Chen so due to certain issue even though the members want to but can't show the supports .. and the end what matters is We.. so rather then any argued if we stan each member equally and show our support that's matter more stream brand new and veil also looking forward to Chen last scene ❤️❤️❤️ cause we are one


EXO support each other behind the scenes. We don't need social media proof.


I just remember that LAY did mention minseok comeback on his insta live.


Lay has the kindest heart in the industry.


A lot of people talked about him not promoting Brand New, and it made me very very mad. Lay actually mentioned Xiumin and Brand New on his Instagram live. But let me say, he was promoting his own solo that he worked a lot to release, and all they care about is when he talks about exo. On HIS live, there were so many people talking about Xiumin's solo instead of congratulating him for Veil. Yes, exo is 9, but he's also a solo artist and deserves to be known like that. It's like exol just care about Lay if he interacts with exo, this is so annoying.


I still remember when Lay was in China he was showing people exo members were his wallpaper on his phone lol


I think that 10 years of hard work create a lovely brother connection between all of them 9 and Lay and Exo proof years by years that created together lovely concerts, spectacular videos, movie clips promotions and that's great just because they are all very talented


I always thought about this too. But I know Lay is STRONG. And I'm sure he gets support from his EXO bros behind the scenes 😐😑😔❤


EXO are really private they probably support each others real hard off camera. They're not the GenZ type idols that's 1 of the reasons I love them ❤


As a old Exol I've realized big time that they support each other behind the scene.... Xiumin promotion was a big time company idea...


actually he has supported minseok on social media. he doesnt need to do a challenge or a short to support him...lay is always there for them


Sehun is the sweetest most loyal person ever!!! People don't give him half the credit for his amazing character


Sehunie is always loyalty ❤️ that's why I love him 🥰


The fact that LAY included a convo between the members in his album shows alot how they supported each other.. Please make kind of assumptions, most people dont know how they struggle to get where they are to put their loyalty to test...


Yixing did mentioned Xiumin's album & listened to it & we all know that our boys support each other behind.


They do call each other mostly Sehun...he's the glue as the members have said...also they are past the phase where everything has to be on social media...their friendship has always been strong...no need to prove it again and again


Lay talked about Xiumin's album in his insta live. He said that he listened to Xiumin's Hyung album. And yes, their bond is still the same, stronger than ever. 🌷


I LOVE how reasonable EXO-L and other 2nd gen fandoms are.
The maturity shows. I was expecting drama in this comment section, but it’s all wholesome here. As a 2nd gen K-pop stan, I’m proud of y’all ❤


Lay is okey, he receives a lot of love from his country and the west, and his veil gets a lot of attention from fellow dancers coz of its amazing choreography.he is doing great that’s more important for now.


wayvs Xiaojun actually did the Veil challenge💚..
