How to Lock Electric Scooter: Pros and Cons of Different Locks and Secure Locking Techniques

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on electric scooter locks and secure locking techniques! In this video, we'll explore various lock types, discuss the pros and cons of each, and teach you how to lock your electric scooter securely to prevent theft.


When it comes to scooter security, choosing the right lock is crucial. We'll delve into different locking mechanisms available in the market, ranging from traditional cable locks to folding locks. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each lock type, helping you make an informed decision based on your needs and preferences.

Our expert team has extensively researched and tested various scooter locks to bring you the best options available. We'll provide detailed reviews, highlighting the key features and effectiveness of each lock, helping you find the perfect anti-theft solution for your electric scooter.

But it doesn't stop there! We'll also share invaluable tips and techniques on how to lock your scooter securely. Learn about strategic lock placement, securing both the frame and wheels, and other additional measures you can take to deter thieves effectively.

Protecting your electric scooter from theft is of utmost importance, and we're here to equip you with the knowledge and tools to safeguard your investment. Join us in this informative video and become a pro at securing your electric scooter with confidence.

Don't miss out on this ultimate guide to electric scooter locks, where we cover the pros and cons, secure locking techniques, and present the best anti-theft options in the market.

Рекомендации по теме

Great tip about suspending the lock mechanism, above the ground, as to avoid hammer attacks. Thx for the compact & substantive videos=)


I like the folding lock ...thanks for the so useful information !!


I dont mind spending 5 minutes locking and unlocking the scooter with a few locks if it means no one steals it


Thanks for that. I think the chain lock is the best all-round, for me anyways - so it weighs a little more, but better that weight than the weight of worry. Re: Lock location, locking away from the ground, suspending the lock: Great tip.


I always carry with me a U-lock with an extension chain and a flexible lock. Great tips!


Imagine getting your scooter stolen while you're in a store buying a lock


Opting for the best compromise: folding lock. Can’t be lugging a huge lock in my backpack all the time. Thanks!


Is that the Segway Ninebot F40?
I'm using all these locks at once with the addition of a cuff lock. I also arm 2 motion alarms on my scooter then cover it with a bike cover that can be secured with a cable lock so it conceals where the alarms are as well as the hard locks underneath so the thief can back off before he even takes the cover off!
I'm using the Seatylock Mason, Foldylock Compact and Seatylock Viking for the U-lock, folding lock and chain, respectively.
Using all these to lock my current Segway Ninebot Max G30LP and my soon to be brand new Segway Ninebot F2 Pro!


Liteloc and Hiploc are the best on the market! They can resist grinder attacks! They are more expensive! 189$!


I use a combination of thick chain lock and a disc brake lock with an alarm for my Vsett 10+.


yes you need to lock it physically or digital but the best way to do please don't leave your escooter or ebike outside for long period time coz no matter what lock you use, it will disappear coz having more time outside more chance to find a way to steal it


LoL @0:42 😂😂😂 like a robbers wears a robbers mask while doing this or driving with his car. Bahaha


I need an e-scooter to go to the gym and am looking for an e-scooter with the best locking points. What do you recommend?


The best locks r so expensive and all they really do is slow a theif down by a min or two.
I decided on medium price locks and just spent the money I otherwise would of used on insurance. Piece of mind


If you live in the city area and have fair crime u need a D Lock capable of withstanding a angle grinder for at least 10minutes or more.
Hiplock D1000 or
Altor SAF for example

You need one or two alarms, one for to scare and one to put inside the scooter or hide.

You need GPS hidden inside the scooter and a

gps sticker to warn criminals to not even bother trying.

And maybe a laminated security note hung on the scooter letting them know how risky it is to steal it.

If u r making quick trips and dont plan on being gone for 10 minute's or more than just the d lock AND folding lock. Never a cable lock.


U dont need backpack for chain lock.
I just wrap it around the frame


Helpful video, but not as helpful for those times (which is often the majority of the time) when there is nothing to lock the scooter, like a bike rack etc..., than your stuck with only
the ability to use a large enough lock to lock the front wheel to back wheel, etc...and it still be picked up and carried away,


put a air tag on it to track it if someone does steal it


Stupid that most scooters do not have open locking points, eg VMAX, Segway. Which scooters have open locking points?


Cabel locks are very weak i wouldn't bother with them i personally use two u locks and a disc lock on the brake disk
