113 | All in all, I'm happy

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I love how telepurte is adding music into his animations. He keeps stepping up his game and it really shows.


I told yall. Telepurte is like the escanor of the drawing community. The more he rests the more powerful is animations get.


"Days pull you down just like a sinking ship, Floating is getting harder" Songs a slapper. Artist has a beautiful voice


This animation is so calm and relaxing, and yet it’s good to see you happy!


I really like this. To me it perfectly displays that feeling of relaxation that comes with feeling happy. Not an excitement or giddiness, but a nice and calming general contentedness. The feeling of “Everything’s okay. I’m okay. Everything will be alright.” For that I love this animation.


You're one of the only creators I follow that consistently has the theme of laying down and relaxing in your content, and I really appreciate that! Everything is so hectic and miserable most of the time that I think we all forget how to rest :)


We're glad you're happy. Stunning animation!


You know, it’s relaxing, wholesome and chill animations like this that I can appreciate from Telepurte a lot. It shows how versatile your content can be.


This hurts in a way. I do feel like this man needs some time to enjoy his life without any problem. We all do.


i've been having a terrible past week, but thinking about everything in perspective, i think i will be okay. things will get better. thank you for this video telepurte~


Everyone after watching this: My Disappointment Is Non-existent And My Day Is Made, I am Happy


Recently I got into an accident that fractured parts of my skull and made me unable to do any of the things I love anymore. And knowing that you get to do what you love then show it to everyone just makes me enviously happy.


My girlfriend’s favorite song is “rises the moon”. About 6 months ago, we broke up because she wasn’t happy in our relationship. I tried my hardest to get her back in any way possible, but she already made up her mind and she even found somebody else. We still talked and acted as if we were friends, but I didn’t want that.

She used the same account as mine and one day, i decided to scroll through her playlist. And that’s when I found that song. It felt calming to hear it and it got stuck in my head. One day, I learned it on the piano and I randomly played it while me and her were on a call together. After I was finished, she didn’t say anything. She was basically speechless. I wanted to say “I love you”, but I didn’t. And we sort of just sat there in silence, waiting for the other one to speak.

After that incident, I became a much better person, working out more, trying to be happier, spending more time with family. She wasn’t very happy, though, and I could tell. After a couple weeks, she left the other relationship. She then called me and told me that she only tried to get into another one because she missed the old me and she wanted that spark again. And I completely understood. A few weeks later, around my birthday, I persuaded her that we try again, just for one month to see what happens.

During Valentine’s Day, on our first fancy date, I decided to make something special for her. I make videos on my channel and I’ve been recently making a game. I wanted to surprise her by making a video where my soundtrack was replaced by “rises the moon” while one if the npc’s talk about how me and her were currently having a beautiful night together.

It was a pretty nerdy thing to do for one of my gifts, but she smiled and teared up, almost about to cry, so I thought it was definitely worth it.

Since then, “rises the moon” has been a very important song to me, and I’m glad to say that on our four year anniversary in about a month, I will definitely be playing it for her.


So serene I love how gentle and fluid the motion is in this one <3


This. I love this so much. I recently learned what it meant to be happy. For me at least.

I always thought happiness was hanging out with friends, having fun, shooting the shit and stuff. But at the end of my fun times I always felt empty or exhausted. Then I realized that wasn't happiness. It's just excitement.

Happiness to me is when I get to sit down, be completely free of any worldly thoughts or struggles. I get to look around me and appreciate every little thing. I can breathe and the world around me just feels so vast and wonderful.

That's what happiness is.


I’m grateful for all these animations you put out, they can really hit home sometimes and they have helped me through some extremely dark times for me as of recently. Thank you.


I haven't felt that level of content relaxation, but it feels like a high that everyone longs for. An enigmatic lens that one could look through when they reach a peak in happiness. I long for the day and remain hopeful that I could attain such peace.


Remember, your happiness isn't less valid just because it happens less often, and being conscious of the things you're sad or anxious about doesn't mean you aren't experiencing happiness at the same time.


This is amazing Telepurte! I really love Liana's music in the background. The art combined with the music is enough to make me shed a happy tear. I'm really happy that you're feeling good. Your gorgeous artwork has lifted my spirits on multiple occasions, and I aspire to be an artist like you one day! (Not exactly with a pencil or drawing pen, mostly with music. Sometimes it feels like I can feel the rhythm of the outside scenery and I make short songs about it.)

Thank you Telepurte. I hope that you continue to feel happy, and I hope you have an amazing day/night. Bye!

- michu


this is one of my favorite songs, and seeing telepurte animate something stunning and fueled by passion and joy (i believe) is refreshing, to say the least.
