Panels and Clustering in R

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This video runs through an example script on how to estimate panel data models in R using plm(). By appeal to lm() and lmer(), I show that plm() estimates what we think it should estimate. I also show how to cluster standard errors in R. Here are some resources to which I refer in the video:
And some background reading on this.
And some background reading on this.
Panels and Clustering in R
COM 411: Clustering and Communities in R
Classifying and Clustering Data with R : The Course Overview |
Clustering with DBSCAN, Clearly Explained!!!
Classifying and Clustering Data with R : Time Series Decomposition with R |
What is an R cluster & Creating Beautiful Trees of Clusterings with R (R Cluster Analysis)
Hierarchical Clustering with R - Part 4 (Dendrograms)
Robust or Clustered Errors and Post-Regression Statistics - R for Economists Moderate 2
Clustering of Longitudinal Data Part 1
Classifying and Clustering Data with R : Discriminant Analysis with R |
Panel Data (Fixed Effects, Random Effects) - R for Economists Moderate 9
R for Economists Bonus 2: estimatr for cluster or robust standard errors, and instrumental variables
Analysis of panel data in R using Generalized Estimating Equations
R Tutorial: Introduction to model-based clustering
useR! International R User 2017 Conference kmlShape clustering longitudinal data according to their
Simple Panel Data Models in R
Cluster Robust Standard Errors in R with {clubSandwich}
How to visualise Hierarchical Clustering in R using 'cluster' | Jupyter Notebook | Data Sc...
Panel Data Analysis A Survey On Model-Based Clustering Of Time Series - Statswork
Panel Data Models in R
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KMeans Clustering using Machine Learning in R studio
Introduction to longitudinal data analysis