Cryptography with Python 30: HMAC, Encrypt-then-MAC and GCM

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⏰ Timestamps for content in this video ⏰

00:00 Message authentication codes (MAC)
02:29 Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC)
06:21 Authenticated encryption (AE) with Encrypt-then-MAC
09:51 Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) with Galois/Couner Mode (GCM)

🔷🔷 About 🔷🔷

This Fundamental Cryptography in Theory and Python lesson presents message authentication codes (MAC), authenticated encryption (AE), and authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) as three cryptographic concepts serving authenticity.

The lesson also presents, how a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) as a cryptographic primitive is a specific type of MAC, how Encrypt-then-MAC approaches are instances of AE, and how the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) block cipher mode of operation is an instance of AEAD.

📝 Resources used and created for code lessons 📝

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📝 All resources used and created for code lessons can be found here:
