Ελληνικό Αsmr - Χαλαρωτικό Ραντεβού στον Οδοντίατρο 🦷🦷😴

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Your hands and your white gloves are the perfect match of the world 😍😴😴


Ολα παρα πολυ προσεγμενα, χαλαρωτικοι ηχοι κ ωραιο roleplay!!


Τελειοο σουπερ χαλαρωτικό και πολύ αληθινό.. καλά είσαι φοβερή συνέχισε τέτοια βίντεο θέλουμε πολλά ακόμα ❣❣🤤


Θελουμε παρτ 2 από τα καλύτερα σου βίντεο 🥰


Ένα από τα καλύτερα σου βίντεο ίσως και το καλύτερο


I will def watch the video again tonight, but I am going to write this comment after watching the video only once while also having fun with a bunch of silly friends during the premiere. So, my interpretation of what the video was about might be inaccurate.
This dentist is very organized and sanitary with the tools and cotton. That section at the beginning with the preparation and cleaning looked & sounded great. I know that is going to set off a lot of tingles when I watch again tonight ✨✨ After the prep, the dentist came over to me. She had on very lovely makeup. It is my understanding that she always has great makeup, especially eye makeup. What I also heard is that she _might_ not be as tan as she seemed 😉 She also had on nails that seemed impractical for wearing medical gloves. But I don't know anything about wearing medical gloves or nails, so... 🤷‍♂ I have no issues with long nails, but I was thinking "Is she going to put those long nails in my mouth?" She was very clear, kind and professional as she worked on my teeth. Meanwhile, for some odd reason, in the room with the dentist were people making lots of name puns. Then suddenly someone named *Efi* kicked the door open and yelled "Boom! 💥 Surprise! I can make name puns too!! 😝"
Two things just occurred to me: (1) In my daily life, I avoid swearing. Yet in the last month or so, due to the influence of your fun premieres, I have started using 'fracking' and now 'EFIng' What have you done to me?! 😂 and (2) I think I kinda just wrote a comment in the style of Peter 🤣 (Get out of my head, Peter!) Thank you, Hara 🤗


Γιατρέ μου ποτε πρεπει να ξαναερθω; Εχετε τα πιο απαλά χεράκια και την πιο χαλαρωτική φωνή 😌✨ Τέλειο Χαρά μου ❤️ Πολύ τα απολαμβάνω τα ιατρικά rp! Ακομα και τον οδοντίατρο 😁


Προχώρησα λίγο το βίντεο κσι ήρθα face to face με τα υπέροχα λαμπερά μάτια σου και ζαλίστηκα, απίστευτη!💜


Είσαι καταπληκτική!!
Keep up the good work!!!!


Nope still pretty scary 😨. I trust you 100% but those instruments look... 😉
Thank you so much 💕 have a great evening and thanks again for going to all this trouble ❤


Try use a black background and black clothes together with your white gloves, show only your white gloves moviments ... Like a invisible girl ... Will be great 😍❤️🧤


μονο και μονο που ανοιξα το βιντεο και ειδα τα εργαλεια δεν γινεται να χαλαρωσω με τιποτα


Wear a surgical gown with a mask, hat and gloves
