CSS Box Shadow Property | 2023

Показать описание
The CSS box-shadow property adds a shadow effect to an element's box. It allows you to create a 3D-like effect by adding a shadow behind the box.

The box-shadow property accepts a comma-separated list of values, including:

Offset-x (required) - The horizontal distance of the shadow from the element.
Offset-y (required) - The vertical distance of the shadow from the element.
Blur radius (optional) - The amount of blur to apply to the shadow.
Spread radius (optional) - The amount to expand or contract the size of the shadow.
Color (optional) - The color of the shadow.


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Рекомендации по теме

Short and sweet, I love how you can chain box shadows by using a comma to create layers


😅would like to give some suggestions but overall niceee video
