Daily Singing Warm Up - Singing Over the Break Soprano

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Daily Singing Warm Up - Singing Over the Break Soprano

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You’re my favorite teacher on the net! Thank you Jeff! ❤️


Without any further ado at 0:44 😉 Thanks Jeff! 🐯


I always love the 4 staccato notes at the beginning of the sections they precede. If nothing else they make you concentrate on making the correct change to legato and are always very interesting anyway. Some nice high notes emerged in this but I'm greedy and would love more, and higher too! Not that I'm criticising - I know you have to cater for everyone. I hope I haven't overdosed on lip trills today - I did my usual batch in the pre-warm ups that I always do before the actual vocalizing. There is a great variety in this lesson Jeff, so as always a great big THANK YOU. Enjoy your Sunday.


did I ever tell you I love you? 'cause I do!
Thank you so much!
