Toxoplasmosis | Acquired vs Congenital | Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Lesson on Toxoplasmosis: Acquired vs Congenital, signs and symptoms, how to diagnose and what can be used to treat it. Toxoplasmosis is caused by an infection with the protozoa toxoplasma gondii, which resides in hosts including cats and livestock. Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted in several ways, including through cat feces, undercooked meat, horizontal transmission through blood transfusions, and vertical transmission from mother to fetus. Toxoplasmosis is often asymptomatic; however in some immunocompetent individuals and in immunocompromised patients, toxoplasmosis can lead to an acute systemic infection. Vertical transmission from mother to fetus leads to congenital toxoplasmosis, which has a characteristic triad of symptoms and can lead to developmental delays in the child.

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**MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: JJ Medicine does not provide medical advice, and the information available on this channel does not offer a diagnosis or advice regarding treatment. Information presented in these lessons is for educational purposes ONLY, and information presented here is not to be used as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment of any person/animal.

Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.


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I just had Cat scratch disease. I picked up a cat with my right hand, tried to hold the cat, the cat left about 5-7 big scratches on my left hand. Almost 2 weeks after this happened I had a baseball size lump under my left armpit. I thought I had cancer. Went to the doctor, he was perplexed because I had no other lymph nodes swollen and this lymph node was bigger then any he has every seen. Did blood work set an appointment for an ultra sound. I went home talked to my wife and also told her I was scratched by a cat, she looked up the symptoms, described what I had to a T. Called the DR told him the same story, he said that is definitely what I had and prescribed a Zpack. Went away in about 8-9days.


"However, due to the teratogenic effect shown in animals and because pyrimethamine plus sulfadoxine may interfere with folic acid metabolism, Fansidar (sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine) therapy should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus."

Just wanted to add that! Good video!


I found this lecture very clear, factual, and easy to understand. I peresonally survived acquiring toxoplasmosis around a year after a yaer after having a bone marrow transplant. It progresse into full blown encephalitis as well as ocular toxplasma.


“We're all infected“
Rick Grimes


0.2 to 0.4 mg per kg of ivermectin, plus about 1000 mg of resveratrol. Take daily until you're better. 3-24 months depending on severity. You're welcome 😊


Brilliant, clear explanation -thank you!


Wonderful job, any service to humanity is very much appreciated sir .
Thank you so much


this explains why cat-girls are taking over the internet.


I'm pretty sure I acquired Toxo from a warm (hot) swimming pool in AZ in 2008. I'm a Nonsectretor and got very ill, then lost the ability to sleep w/out meds, plus Episodic Ataxia and MANY other debilitating symptoms. I am 61 and still very ill! Not one doctor cares to help me! :(


I love your video, you make me understand the disease so well. Thank you so much


My mom died on toxoplasmosis, she wasn't pregnant. When I was 10 years old I've brought little kitten from my friend Casper, his cat which was a girl gave a birth to a few kittens. So I took one kitten cause I wanted to show that I csn be responsible.... Yeah...I wasn't. Instead of taking kitten to the vet and give my cat a baths I just was happy that I had a cat. And he liked to go and come back when he wanted and one day he got sick. My Mom took care of him and he returned to being healthy cat and my Mom got sick, it started with headaches, then She was walking and talking fast at night and we went with dad and with Mom to the doctors and they gave her antidepressants only without looking for problem with her health further and her sickness went further and faster and after her death they did a section and found out that Mom had toxoplasmosis. And after my 11th birthday at april 30th 2004 doctor called that Mom died and before death She started to loosing more consiousness. But it was my fault cause I was irresponsible and stupid little girl and because of me my Mom died😢


Hey, I just had a question. I was looking into training a cat how to use a toilet, and I came across a comment saying you shouldn’t do this because there are studies showing a link with increased toxo. It seems the cat feces can’t be dealt with from our current sewage system. So I was wondering if you had such studies to share for a video.

I browsed through your channel and didn’t see anything of such things. I know this video is a bit old, but it seems it is still very active, so hope to hear from you.


for my daughter, im still hoping that someday, there will be a cure...


Thanks. Can toxoplasmosis gondii contribute to Schizophrenia, or is it simply common in these patients?
Should one have it examined, what are the symptoms?


A distinguished and very useful effort, may God bless you💐


Thank you! Watching this right before my exam (: Very helpful


Wording is exact from Lange microbiology book bro.Nice video❤


Can washing my hands with an alcohol or hand sanitizers protect me from protozoal infections?


your slides are great & informative. Whrere can I get the copies of your slides ?
These slides would have helped me in my med school.
love from Bangladesh


You did a great job on this video! Eh?
