House Rules Committee Holds Hearing On Pistol Brace Bill That Paralyzed The House Floor | Part 1

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House Rules Committee held a hearing on Monday on a pistol brace bill.

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The 2nd Amendment rights to bare arms shall not be infringed upon, and should be an impeachable offense for a grimey handed politician to even bring it up in order to mess with it.


These people don’t get it. Every one of these situations, the person that committed a very bad crime.
That brace didn’t do a thing, was only a tool used to do what they did.
Mental condition of every one of these individuals was well known, some didn’t get the help they needed, or didn’t get enough.
You don’t have the police go to a dwelling repeatedly, and not recognize that person has a problem. Why is it so hard to understand this?


I’m an Independent and I’ve noticed how extreme the Democrat Party has become, that I might possibly choose to vote Republican just to try to stop this madness.


ATF said " owning this brace is a violation of the short rife whether it is attached or not" H ow much brain power does it take to understand.


A point i wish would have been made here is the fact that the ATF is an ENFORCEMENT agency and pistol brace makers only consulted with the ATF for their OPINION on the legality of their braces.
The ATF passing this so called “rule” and effectively amending the NFA is the equivalent of your local law enforcement amending state laws illegitimately based on their interpretation of the law. Completely unlawful therefore this new rule means nothing.
Also, the argument that a pistol brace makes a pistol more “deadly” is beyond ridiculous and even if it did it would not matter. The constitution doesn’t state that SOME rights to bear arms can be infringed if the arms are “more deadly”. Its unreal how dense democrats are.

This new pistol brace rule means nothing and


Let's not forget that the atf wasn't trying to ban them. There were trying to institute a registry through atf form 1 for what is almost exclusively ar-15 and similar owners.


a pistol in every woman's purse guarantees that woman safety! only one kind of man fears a woman with a pistol in her purse. a man with bad intentions towards that women


What they are not showing here is that the brace in question is now and always has been the same basic design and the allwoed forarm brace is the same thing they are calling a shoulder brace ..there is no design that i know of that is labled pistol brace that is designed to be used from the shoulder ..they are simply calling one item two different names and banning one name allows the ban to be applied to the other nane due to it being no different in design


Wait how does adding a stock make a pistol a rifle ?? Like there is so much more that makes a rifle a rifle


We need to stand together and unify instead of divide and play into their plans.... They want us left and right... blue and red... we are ALL AMERICAN AND WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER this is ridiculous... It's sad and sickening... The ATF needs to be destroyed and dismembered... it is no longer needed. Stay strong and stick together. God bless you, and God bless America


Pistol braces does not a rifle make ..further on the subject ..the brace itself only makes the operation of the pistol in the safest manner possible by having it the operation becomes more accurate only thats it thats whats being discussed they dont make it shoot further or faster or pack a bigger punch ..there is only accuracy to be gained with this item ..making these weapons less safe without them ...bad people are going to do bad people shit plain and simple


Every democrat in that room, and all but one republican, should be ashamed of themselves. They offer no evidence against/for this pending legislation. They simply, intentionally, distort any 'facts' about the brace (implying an adjustable buttstock seen on a typical AR style rifle is the same thing people are purchasing as the 'pistol brace') and for no reason other than confusing the issue so they can connect the brace with mass shootings by its appearance for that emotional appeal. Why did it take 95% of the hearing to address the actual question before the house..
Which is simply - Does an un-elected bureaucracy have the constitutional authority to make/interpret/define anything that affects our constitutional rights - or is it up to congress!


I love how the idea of "conflict of interest" arises when a gun association wants to appeal a rule that over reaches the second ammendment. But when Biden's ATF makes a rule that goes past the legislative branches of the government to make "law" then being voted against by the legislative branches which by the end reaches Biden it's not a problem. This should have started in the legislative branches to be voted for into law, not the opposite.


So the ATF thinks it has authority over velcro now?


If one is a felon.... they're not going to register a gun no matter what kind it is. Do these idiots know people can print guns at home these days. How about they just up the punishment for crimes committed with a firearm. Bring back the death penalty.... just a suggestion. Law abiding and self defense = good. Criminal activity with a gun = hang.


POINT OUT THAT TO OWN ONE THAT IS NOT DESTROYED IS CONSTRUCTIVE INTENT! You can't just detach a brace from the buffer tube or pistol. People with no idea how these things work is so frustrating!


Basket is talking out of his rear. Before politicians start talking about bans or restrictions, they should learn how the items they want to ban or restrict work.


I don’t know if Chip drinks or not but I would buy him a bottle of whatever his favorite Bourbon is…


I thought this was about an important bill for disabled individuals not a slam feast against the republican party. You want to talk about people killed by guns lets list the many people shot and killed every weekend in Chicago. I have not hear of any of the shootings listed by the ranking member that used a brace.


The democrats would go house to house to arkanside all of their political opponent's if this was successfully implemented, that is why it will never be implimented.
