Matchmaking Has Never Been More Awful in Wild Rift History

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This matchmaking issue in Wild Rift has to be addressed because 90% of the players struggle in solo queue ranked games without any joy due to the terrible teammates they encounter every game. It's demotivating, frustrating, and driving people mad. I do hope Riot will finally pay attention to the most significant problem concerning Wild Rift and work toward solving it.

My IGN: SierraWithLove#4519
My Guild: SierraWithLove Club [SWLOVE]
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There were also some players who said it's the best ranked season out there... Please, share your secret, I really wanna know how you do this


It’s obvious that the game artificially forces you to have a 50% win rate regardless of how you play.


I could reach gm in 250 games every season but this season I have 150 games and still d3 with 57% winrate and good stats it definitely feels the rank changes, I decided to quit the game for now as there’s no point playing it, It feels like the better you play the worst players you will have in your games


I am sooo glad that even the best players and youtubers are actually calling this out! This season’s matchmaking is beyond bullsht! It’s ridiculous! And I totally relate to all the things you listed down, too many useless players in this game and it gets to a point where you sometimes gaslight yourself and think maybe YOU are the problem but not really because you end up being the one with least deaths, and being SVP of your losing team. And worse you’re the carry with more kills than the whole enemy team combined but you still lose because of bad decisions made by your team. I did wonder why it was so quick for me to reach master last season and now i’m stuck at Platinum/Emerald where I don’t feel like I deserve to be going with a team that’s very clueless about how the game works in general. It’s frustrating that I might just “delete game”


It's no secret the matchmaking forces a 50% winrate. I get to Plat easy playing SUPPORT, but as soon as I hit Plat I start getting all the brainlets on my team. More and more games follow a predictable pattern: easy win, stomped, easy win, stomped, etc..


Well, 7 months later, it got worse.
Even in pvp, why am i getting level 10 players, going up against level 100+ enemies!??(Im 70)


6 time Master and didnt play much compared to this season and I have win streak then all sudden I get players who just feed in ways I can't fathom, they play worse then a bot or as if they are new. I'm D1 after triple the amount of games compared of previous seasons played. Yet, I can't climb to Master as I got a plethora of games where I'm SVP and my team is bad, with less then 15% participation by some. Crazy. I am glad it's not me going insane as I started to question myself. I never had huge issues climbing until this season and it's not the enemy that's the issue it's my own team's.


I have had your exact experience. A few seasons ago I made it to Diamond 3, and then the next season I had atrocious team mates and couldn't get out of platinum after something like 20 loses in a row. It's like the more I carried, the worse my team mates got until I dug my own grave. The algorithm I believe finally figured me out and is now set this way on purpose. It's awful and unfair. It only boosts lower skilled players into higher tiers and holds skilled players back. I'd love to see how high I can climb, but unfortunately it's impossible because of the rigged matchmaking. Btw, it's not a conspiracy, it's intentional.


I have enaugh. Deleting this p. of s-t, game is horrible, any rank, you have total idiots, who do not react to pings, do not play safe, do not help team and have 1/10 score


Commenting in 2024 season 14 and it still hasn’t improved, at some point, I stopped having fun with the game and just get really mad at these players that make me hard stuck in the hell elo. My KDA as a support main is about 8-9.6 and I’m always paired with the worst adc who has no macro and keeps going goku mode 1vs5 😢


Feel it a lot as JG, despite winning in early, somehow my teamates just die in the most stupid way, losing lanes, nowhere to be found when neutral obj is up.


climbing rank queue solo is very easy to me when it was around S8-S9 i always get winstreak with my shen or yasuo and i was former top 8 shen on ssn 9 at the first week of ssn 9 and then the more i play rank the more i realize how bad my teammates were and my efforts were just wasted and for that i stopped using shen because no one Listens to my plans a plans to win the game without struggle and after that im stuck emerald because ssn 10 is just stupid


i cant even get pass diamond .. trolls and ppl feeding for no reason .. sometimes i swear even afk is not detected ... and even if im a winning streak the games i think intentionaly makes me play with lower elo player to drag me down ... the game is getting worst


I had 75% winrate in season 10.
51% in season 11.
this is FOR SURE not the skill issue.
it's the soloq that matches with WORST players if you have kda >2.
gg, wild rift deleted. this is not playable.


I don’t really play ranked. I got gold season 4, 5, 6 I did it in like less than 15 games.

Season 14 I got placed in bronze four and took me 74 games to get back to gold. I went from a 74% win loss to 59% ending at 44/30 around plat 4 MMR.

Yeah ranked is broke. They split the season, and made it so you have to play more to do the same thing. It’s super broken!


The game gets worst in each patch. I was aiming to reach challenger in solo queue but it just seems pointless and time wasting. I have things to do in real life and the game is designed to keep players hooked and always on the grind, hence the shitty matchmaking, and the stupid balance. In my case, the balance is just the worst issue. There's no way in hell, people think a champ like Fizz is balanced, wherein Fizz with 2-3 items can 1 shot a tank with full magic resist items. That's just an example, there's so many stupid things in the game balance rn. Anyways, I got 94 marks last season 9, wherein now it is considered as challenger. Hopefully they will add an update to change the status so at least they can do something good. Hopefully more players will realize how bad the game is right now and they will stop wasting their time in solo queue ranked.


I was a LoL player but i shifted to wr beacuse i can't waste too much time playing on pc and started playing this year. I know very well the basics of the game so my climb become easy on the first half of the year. Suddenly everything went so bad and i instantly noticed it and complaining why no one didnt say anything about it so i decided to quit wr.

Never met trolls and so much people dont know the difference between a very bad player and a troll but i understand why, youre on master and playing with people that you wonder how they are able to turn on the telephone.

I started playing again two month ago and getting matches with golden and platinum players while im in diamond with 67% winrate even 74% when vladimir was released. Now i have 52.5% wr and perma stuck. Incredible


all we have to do now is consider the opposite of the ranks. the lower your rank, the better you are at the game😎


Deleting and perma quitting this game was the most life beneficial choice period. This matchmaking system for a long time now is in place to 100% create a gambling dependency.


It’s not it truly is rigged in fact predatory 5 games in a row on my promo I go auto filled jungle after dominating my lane 😂it’s so fucked
