How to confirm ovulation?

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If you’re not experiencing obvious signs of ovulation, here are a few reliable methods to confirm ovulation:

1️⃣Blood Tests: A blood test from your doctor can measure your progesterone levels, which rise after ovulation, confirming that it has occurred.

2️⃣Ultrasound Monitoring: In some cases, your doctor may recommend ultrasounds to track follicle development and confirm ovulation.

3️⃣Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs): These at-home urine tests detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation, signaling your most fertile time.

💡These methods can help you confirm ovulation even if you’re not noticing typical signs like cervical mucus changes or mild cramping.

‼️ the first two tests are the most reliable compared to ovulation predictor kits.

👩🏻‍⚕️Consult a fertility specialist now and get these test done if you are not sure if you have been ovulating.

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(How to track ovulation, how do I know I’m ovulating, how to confirm ovulation, what to do when cycles are short, how to predict ovulation)

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