Maci Talks To Her Children About Gun Safety | Teen Mom: The Next Chapter

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Upset by the news of recent school shootings, Maci and Taylor sit Bentley, Jade, and Maverick down to talk about gun safety. Teen Mom: The Next Chapter is all-new Tuesdays at 8/7c on MTV.

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A decade after it all began, Catelynn, Maci, Amber, and Cheyenne of Teen Mom OG continue to share their families' triumphs and struggles with the world. On Teen Mom 2, Jade joins Kailyn, Leah, Briana and Chelsea as the moms navigate parenting, family dynamics, their careers and their love lives. Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant chronicles the lives of Ashley, Brianna and Kayla, along with two new moms Kiaya and Rachel. Their stories continue Tuesdays on MTV!

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"It's not something our parents had to talk to us about when we were little" what a heartbreaking yet true statement :(


I'm so glad Macy has stayed on the show and showed people how to parent right and how to communicate with your kids.


Maci always using her platform in the best way. Respect.


This is probably my favorite couple honestly they are great parents it's sad that you got to talk to your kids about this situation but thank you for being responsible and telling them what's going on very smart beautiful children yall Are doing a great job ❤


Every parent needs to talk to their kids about gun safety.


It’s insane to me that Americans have to sit down and talk about this with their children.



As a mum living in the UK this is heartbreaking to watch.


omg i started tearing up when little jayde was talking about "bad guy drills" 🥺😭 no baby should have to do any of that, what an awful country we live in


As a mum in Australia I can’t even imagine this even being something I always have to think and worry about 😢


Omg Maverick and Bentley look like twins so cute❤. It’s great how Maci and Taylor always have these serious talks with the kids together as a family is so refreshing to see a family with strong family goals and figure things out together


Coming from someone from Europe, it is insane that these drills and talks with young hildren are necessary but regulating it is too much for USA.


It’s so sad that we have to have these bad guy drills. What has this world come to. 😞 praying all the children have a safe school year. ❤️


I love that they had this conversation with their kids. AND that they are using their platform to bring attention to it. Good job guys.


Great job Maci and Taylor as someone who lives here in Tennessee that really hit the spot so many people are brokenhearted💔💔💔 by their babies accidentally dying and also adults dying for no reason I give y’all so much credit for keeping the conversation going!!❤❤❤❤❤ not only for your children But, for everyone to keep the conversation going


Off topic for a moment…I never realized how much Maverick looks like Bentley!! Especially when Bentley was just toddler 😮


I was a junior in high school when the Columbine shooting happened. And even after that, it wasn't really talked about much as far as school safety. I'm so glad I grew up in the time that I did and we didn't really have to worry about this happening because it was so rare back then. I feel so bad for today's kids that they have to go through these drills and worry about being able to have a safe day at school.


I love the way they speak to the kids!! If only most parents were like this. It must be hard to have these conversations. I live in Australia & couldn’t imagine having a conversation like that with my son. We talk about things but it’s not as prevalent here.


I was a sophomore when Columbine happened. Things have never been the same since. My parents never had to discuss this with my sister & I. It absolutely makes me sick that active shooter drills have become a part of my child's school experience. We are the only developed country in the world that has a school shooting epidemic...and yet nothing changes. Until our children are valued more than firearms, conversations like this will continue. Heartbreaking.💔


maci and taylor are honestly one of my favourite couples on the show.
i love how they always sit down and have a conversation with their kids. and this was certainly a conversation for them to have.


I am from switzerland we have zero gun violence, so sorry school kids in the usa even have to know about these things . I am 41 and there has never in my life been a shooting at a school
