Exploring Dearborn, Michigan: Home to a growing Muslim American community

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Dearborn, Michigan is a community highlighted by its rich history, cultural cuisine and diverse population — at its core, Dearborn is just your typical American city.

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My wife and I left dearborn 15 years ago. Moved to Rochester Hills, few years later when we come visit a friend there, they got rid of mayor's statue and stopped decorating city hall at Christmas, I am glad we moved to a city with not a lot of cultural people that specialize in a certain culture.


Michigan is always my home ❤❤i live in arizona now 🤍


Should never let this happen in America. Letting people who hate America move here is stupid.


They don't and can't assimilate. Hard workers? LOL. How many are on welfare system..aka-our money.


To whom ever finds this at whatever time you watch this video, these comments are very sad, before you hate on this city, come to it and see it for yourself. Not in the winter, it’s too cold 🥶


A lot of white people in this comment section that seem to get bullied back then by bunch of cool kids


Most of the comments are very hateful.


I am so greatful to be a coverted muslim


What is happening in America is called "Civilization Jihad".THIS IS LONG BUT IT’S WORTH THE READ And very important!
According to Kamal Saleem former member of Muslim Brotherhood & ex- Jihad fighter now converted to Christianity. What is happening in America is called "Civilization Jihad".He explain in more detail in a interview by Irvin Baxter ;
Kamal: I came to the United States after doing civilization jihad in Europe. It is exactly what we are doing in the United States right now.
Irvin: Let me make sure that we understand civilization jihad. This is not where you go in and shoot people or blow them up. It is when you infiltrate and try to convert the society by peaceful means. Am I correct?
Kamal: We call it peace, but it is really a stealth mode because they don’t know what we are doing. The most important part of this strategy is that we never let you know what the theology of Islam means to you. We want to bring you to (embrace) Islam. Therefore, we tell you it’s the most beautiful thing. The last thing we want is for you to study Islam, because you will see how dark it is, and then you won’t want Islam at all. In order to bring Islam, we came to engage the 7 mountains of influence of the United States of America. To begin with, my group was to contact and influence professors of universities and to buy off U.S. politicians. The second part was to go after the students in America at the colleges and universities, through such organizations as the Muslim Student Association and Muslim Student Union, which are both Muslim Brotherhood entities. So that’s the strategy. We take the nominal (name only) Muslim and we radicalize them right there in the camp, by teaching them true Islam. We believe that if you are truly Muslim, then you are not nominal or moderate. True Islam is radical Islam. That is why we are trying to change everything while they are studying. We then infiltrate the jail system to recruit and convert people to Islam, which has been extremely successful. The recruitment of American inmates is the fastest growing Islamic nation. Last but not least, we permeate and convert individuals from poor neighborhoods. This is done by the placement of Islamic centers and Islamic Mosques, which are then used to engage the people. These individuals are not given the real truth. At this point, they are only taught the beautiful truth and the sweet taste of Islam. Once they are converted, we tell them they can never leave because Mohammad says, Anyone who leaves Islam—kill him or her! That is a command!
Irvin: Does that happen here in America?
Kamal: Absolutely! We have honor killing in the United States of America. There have been many instances. I know of a father in Washington, who ran over his own daughter 8 times with a jeep for seeking to convert to Christianity from Islam. There was another man who was the head of an Iranian television station ironically called Peace. His wife wanted to leave him and go to Iran. He simply told her, …sure you can leave, but not with your head! He then killed her and kept her head. All of them have something in common. None of these murderers believe it is their fault, but that of the victims. They believe it was their legal right to commit these murders because it’s part of the Islamic laws. It is legal because honor killings and what have you are commanded by Mohammad. So this is why we need to worry about Sharia law embedded in our civilization, because if it becomes legal, then they will get away with these atrocities! We will then become an offense to them and that is when the United Nations will introduce hate crime bill, Resolution 16/18. In essence, this hate crime bill states that you can’t talk about Islam or do anything to a Muslim.
Irvin: That is not passed yet right?
Kamal: No, it has not passed yet. I believe Hillary Clinton was trying to get it passed because her assistant (Huma Abedin) is from the Muslim Brotherhood, and her father is a Muslim Brotherhood radical sent by the Saudi Arabian government to the United States.
Irvin: Let’s talk for a moment about the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood briefly won an election in Egypt, and they then moved quickly to implement Sharia Law. The Egyptian people woke up and said, Wait a minute, we made a horrible mistake here. We don’t want this. The military came in and overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood, and they now have them on trial and many of them are incarcerated as we speak. Now explain the relationship between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Kamal: Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s the other part of the coin. Hamas is the off- shoot and the military part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ninety-nine percent of the Islamic radical movement was birthed out of the Muslim Brotherhood. This includes al-Qaeda, Fatah, the PLO, and al-Shabaab. All of them came out of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Irvin: So what is the Muslim Brotherhood’s relationship to ISIS?
Kamal: They are a part of the ISIS movement. It’s a coalition between al-Qaeda, al- Shabaab and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is very measurable. Anytime you can’t prove something, it is a theory. This is no theory. So how do we know that the Muslim Brotherhood is a part of the ISIS? The Qatari government, which is where Al Jazeera TV is located, is the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Muslim Brotherhood started running away from Egypt, after the military coup took place, everyone was running to Qatar. When Obama released the five generals from Gitmo (in return for Bowe Bergdahl) in the United States of America, we released them to Qatar. Right after that the ISIS attacks started. Irvin: And Qatar is funding ISIS?
Kamal: Absolutely funding ISIS and is the head supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Irvin: And the head of Hamas is Mashaal who is living in Qatar?
Kamal: Mashaal. Yes!
Irvin: Everybody is wondering why Netanyahu doesn’t go in and defeat Hamas? Is it because the Muslim Brotherhood has friends in high places in the United States?


Philippians 2:10, 11 “That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth and things under the earth; And every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”


Have Muslim friends love them but it makes me mad that they get all this government help and they don't need it.


Looks like Halloween 24/7 365 days a year . .. camels can't live there because it is too cold.


Nice city. Muslims lived all over Michigan since 1930


Build a wall around Dearborn. Allow the inhabitants self rule. Cut off their access to local, state, and federal government benefits and representation.


If they are reviving the Sunnah here In America, I want to go!
